Chapter Five: Mood Swings

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So, I get some rough mood swings. For example, yesterday, I was feeling great all morning! I cleaned, took a shower, painted, hung out with my dad, it was great. But, all of a sudden, like being smacked over the head with a bat, I just stopped. I couldn't get myself to move, talk to my siblings, or finish cleaning (which I love doing). It was like my heart broke, but I had no reason to be sad.

Now, don't just think 'oh, it's just that time of the month for her', NO, actually it's not. I get these mood swings every day. And it sucks. Especially at school, I'll be having a good day, enjoying learning, then BAM, I'm too lethargic to even eat lunch.

On a separate note, here's a quick story about the power of prayer:
My grandpa went into the hospital late last night with a pulmonary embolism (blood clots in his lungs). When my dad told me, I immediately started praying. But it was casual, like a conversation. My dad also prayed, and now, there's a chance my grandpa could be discharged today, instead of after the weekend. He got his IV disconnected while we were visiting yesterday.

So that's pretty awesome. I hope you are all doing superbly, and that if you get mood swings as well, just always remember it will change, and get better ❤️.

Love y'all sooooo much, I really appreciate the reads and votes! I never thought people would actually care! But I'm not gonna be one of those people who asks for votes, I just hope you all can get something out of my lil stories.


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