Chapter Two: Camp

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I've had a good summer. Hanging out with friends, cleaning my room. But the best part was going to two camps. One was my church camp, but the other... I have no words. It's another Christian camp. We studied the second half of the book of Acts.

I went to this camp last year too. That was when I accepted Christ. Kind of a big deal. This year was when I decided to give him my life.

I also learned about idols. And man do I have idols. I'm really into 'fandoms'. Fandoms are the fan bases for like TV shows, books series', YouTubers, etc. I spend all my time with those idols, so I had an idea, which I totally recommend. My current phone lock screen says 'FOCUS ON THE LORD'. I have it as that to remind me to not spend my time on my phone with those idols. It's worked quite well.

Worship was another big thing I learned about. I'm really self conscious, so I rarely raise my hands during worship. But after church camp, I've never raised my hands higher. And it feels good, like really good! It doesn't matter if you can't sing (like me), all God cares about is that you're worshiping him with everything you have. I like to draw, and I'm trying to find ways to worship God through my art, and here! My testimony! I can write and worship God, my two favorite things! So I hope that no matter who you are, you find a way to worship God while doing something else you love, wether it be music, art, dance, nature, serving, etc.

I love you all so much, and so does God, no matter what you've done.
~Delia xo

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