Chapter 18

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                I woke up curled up against Tyson and quickly sat up. I woke Gabe up and we walked out to the back porch. The air was becoming colder as summer was ending, the sky was overcast with grey clouds, and the sun was barely visible. “Gabe… You need to tell me what’s going on… You’ve been so distant lately and you and Alexis seem to like each other as more than friends.” I told him. I looked into his blue eyes and knew what he was going to say.

“I really like her, Max.”

“You barely know her!”

“Actually… We’ve known each other for a long time…”

“Why did you never tell me?”

“I didn’t know you knew her!”

“But when you did! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t know that I was still going to have feelings for her…”

“What does this mean for us?”

“I don’t know…”

“Gabriel! You do know. You know who you have stronger feelings for, you need to choose.”

“I know.”

“Well who do you choose?”

“I need time to think about this.”

                “Let me make this really easy for you. So you don’t have to think.” I snapped walking away from him. I was halfway out the door when Alexis stopped me. “What’s wrong?” She questioned. “You know damn well what’s wrong with me… My boyfriend? You go after my boyfriend… You could have anyone.” I responded.

“I didn’t want you to find out like this…”

“Really? Because you getting all up in his personal space really makes seem like you wanted me to find out.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“I’m surprised that you, of all people, would do that.”

“Maxine… I will do anything to make you forgive me.”

“I want to… But I want and need time to do that.”


“Go out and visit your new boyfriend. I’m sure he wants to see you.” I sighed. She walked away and went to find Gabe as I walked out of the front door. I kept walking down the street as snow began to fall. “Awesome.” I breathed. I was freezing but didn’t want to turn back.

I sat at a small coffee shop in the middle of town for a few hours before I began getting calls from most of the guys. I listened to the message that Tyson left. “Max, you need to come home or answer your phone. We need to know that you are okay. Most of us are coming out to look for you… Please call… Please be okay… The guys are worried about you… I’m worried about you. Call me, text me, or come home.”

I wanted to answer but at the same time I didn’t. I wanted to shut off the world so I turned my phone off and shoved it in my pocket. I walked out of the building into the snowy street I looked over to see two lights speeding towards me. I was frozen as the car came closer and closer. I heard the horn and took a deep breath.

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