"are you going to go yet? I'm starving and if I don't get some food soon, I'm knocking on Michael's door and asking him for some food" Ashton told him.

"yeah, I'd prefer if that didn't happen so I guess I'll go now. Wish me luck?"  Luke asked.

"good luck" Ashton said and gave him a thumbs up.

Luke walked up the driveway to Michael's front door, he stood there for a minute before pressing the doorbell. He didn't hear anyone coming, so he pressed it again.

"I'll get it gran" Luke heard a familiar voice say. His heart fluttered. He missed that voice. A few seconds later the door opened, Michael was standing there looking as cute as always. Luke stood there taking him in, he smiled when he saw Michael's fluffy light pink hair.

"Luke?" Michael asked, in disbelief.

"yeah" was all Luke said.

"what are you doing here?"  Michael asked.

"well um, just listen" Luke said and started strumming on his guitar. 

"I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted
I thought about our last kiss, how it felt the way you tasted
And even though your friends tell me you’re doing fine
And you’re somewhere feeling lonely even though he’s right beside you
When he says those words that hurt you do you read the ones I wrote you?

Sometimes I start to wonder, was it just a lie?
If what we had was real, how could you be fine?

‘Cause I’m not fine at all

I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the tears running down your face
And the dreams you left behind you didn’t need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you
And the memories I never can escape
‘Cause I’m not fine at all

The pictures that you sent me they’re still living in my phone
I admit I like to see them, I admit I feel alone
All my friends keep asking why I’m not around
It hurts to know you’re happy and it hurts that you're not mine
It’s hard to hear your name when I haven’t seen you in so long

It’s like we never happened, was it just a lie?
If what we had was real, how could you be fine?

‘Cause I’m not fine at all

I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the tears running down your face
And the dreams you left behind you didn’t need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you
And the memories I never can escape

If today I woke up with you right beside me
Like all of this was just some twisted dream
I’d hold you closer than I ever did before
And you’d never slip away
And you’d never hear me say

I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the tears running down your face
And the dreams you left behind you didn’t need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you
And the memories I never can escape
I’m not fine at all "

Michael looked at him with his eyes watery. "I'm so fucking sorry Luke, I never meant to hurt you at all"

Luke looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"it's a long story, but I got kicked out and I had nothing on me so I just had to leave and come here but I missed you the whole time. I'm in love with you, and I thought you'd have moved on by now so I never went to go see you cause it'd hurt too much" Michael explained all in one breath.

"you're in love with me?" Luke asked, shocked.

"always have been and I'm pretty sure I always will be"

Luke looked at him and smiled. "I'm in love with you too"

Michael took a step towards Luke, and put his arms around Luke's neck before crashing their lips together for a sweet kiss. When they pulled away Michael whispered  "by the way, you're a fucking amazing singer babe"

A/N: yay, happy fluffy ending because I can't handle sad endings. i'm kinda happy with how this turned out, I love this song though. It's amnesia by 5sos, for those who don't know but i'm pretty sure you do know, aha. I changed a lyric though so it doesn't sound like michael's a girl, instead of "I remember the makeup running down your face" I changed makeup to tears. anyway, thanks for reading and have a great day or night.. depending on what time it is wherever you are but whatever it is I hope it's great! bye, i love you all. x

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