Chapter 11 - Splitting Up

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The next few hours carried on as relatively normal. Expect for Sid singing that annoying song constantly.

"What? It's catchy!" Was his defence.

Finally, after a long journey, we could see the bridge that would lead us to safety. Most of the animals were still making their way onto it.

"We made it!" Diego breathed.

"Yeah, we showed those scary vultures!" Sid cheered. We all celebrated, cheering. I leaned into Diego, hugging him, before pulling away, blushing. He smiled, giving my a quick kiss on the cheek.

Suddenly, the ground shook. Elle screamed as I crouched into a protective stance. Diego placed his paw on my shoulder. I looked up at him as I stood up straight, looking ahead. Steam was bursting out through the ground.

"Oh, it's just a little bit of hot water and steam! How bad can it be?" Sid questioned. We watched as a dodo bird wandered over the dangerous land. It shot up as another bubble of steam bursted, leaving only a few feathers behind as proof that it was actually there in the first place.

Manny began making his way over.

"Okay. Come on!" He told us. A burst of steam exploded in front of him.

"Manny, get back! It's a mine field out there!" Diego ordered. Manny looked at us.

"There's only one way to go. Straight through!" He reasoned. I scoffed.

"Straight though?" Elle questioned. "We like to the keep the fur on our bodies, thank you."

"Yeah, that's a death wish!'' I argued.

"We'll head back and go around. That's safer." Elle began to turn.

"No-no! There's no time! The dam will burst before we make it! We'll drown!" Manny rushed out.

"We go through this and we get blown to bits!"

"We go forward!" Manny snapped.

"We go back!"





"Shut up!" I shouted, interrupting there little quarrel.

"Can I say something?" Diego asked.

"No!" Elle and Manny snapped.

"You are so stubborn and hard headed!" Manny blurted.

"Well, I guess that proves it. I am a mammoth!" Elle then turned, grabbing Crash and Eddy.

"You coming, Keri?" She asked, not looking back. Diego watched me.

"Keri, please!" I took a step back.

"They're family, Diego. I have to."

"You'll die!" He argued.

"And there's the same chance of you dying out there!" I pointed ahead. "I have to protect them. They're all I have!"

"You have us! You have me!" Diego snapped. "You're coming with us, Keri! That's final!" I glared at him.

"I will not just roll over and submit, Diego. You of all people should know that." I hissed, before running off to catch up with Elle.

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