Chapter 10 - Glorious Food

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"Water!" I awoke with a start, hearing Diego shouting. I saw him jump through the air and onto Manny, scaring him. Manny bucked him off and crashed into a tree. The same tree Crash, Eddy and Elle were sleeping in.

The tree shook at the impact Manny made causing them to fall into the small pond that had formed over night. Eddy looked around confused.

"Crash, I told you not to drink before bed." Eddy pointed out.

"I didn't do this!" He looked around. "At least not all of it." I rolled my eyes and made my way to a separate pond, lapping away at it. It was nice and chilled. Once finished, drinking, I washed myself over, enjoying to cool off, especially after last night.

"Oh, h-hi!" I joined the others, just as Sid came stumbling out of the trees. "Hey, Manny!" Sid exclaimed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Man! What a night! You'll never guessed what happened to me."

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say, sleepwalking."

"Or did some crazed sloths kidnap you and treat you like a god, copying all your movements and you were really happy until they tied you up preparing to sacrifice you to the gods. But you managed to trick them into thinking it made the gods angry, and ruined there home, before rolling away in a giant rock, until you found us." I rushed out. He stared at me, shocked.

"How did you know?!" He whispered. I shrugged.

"Just a hunch."

"That was going to be my second guess." Diego teased.

"Come on. The waters rising and we have to move fast!"

We carried on with our journey until mid day.

"Can we at least slow down at little? I'm dying here!" Sid cried, breathing heavily. Vultures circuses in on us, watching intently.

"Wrong choice of words, Sid!" I called back to him.

"It was just a figure of speech!" He shouted, running up to us. More and more of the vultures surrounded us, resting on dead trees.

"They just sit there, watching." Manny stated, creeped out.

"I wish I knew what they were thinking." Said whispered, loudly.

"Food, glorious food!" One of them spoke.

"I think we're going to find out."

"We're anxious to try it!" The same bird began singing.

"Three banquets a day!" A bird swooped down on us as we ducked. It landed on the same branch as the previous bird. "Our favourite diet!"

"Just picture a mammoth steak! Fried, roasted or stewed!" A small baby vulture sang.

"Oh, food! Wonderful food! Marvellous food! Glorious food!" They all began to sing.

We began to run away from the hungry birds of pray, Sid screaming loudly.

A bird swooped down at me. Diego jumped in front of me, growling, scaring it away. He grabbed my paw and pulled me away. We ran as they carried on singing.

Sid began to enjoy himself as they began to dance. He joined in, not following the routine at all.

"Glorious food! Marvellous food! Wonderful food! Beautiful Food!" They sang.

"Magical foooooooood!" The youngest one sang.

"GLORIOUS FOOD!" They finished as we rolled off a cliff, grabbing hold of a tree that used to grow there. They watched disappointed as they failed to get a meal.

"There! Now you know what they were thinking." Manny stated.

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