Chapter 3 - Auntie and Uncle

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"Never thought I'd see a tiger hang from a tree." The sabre commented, whistling.

"Don't make me come down there and whoop your butt!" I warned. He backed off.

"Let me just have a word with these guys." Elle pulled Crash and Eddy towards me.

"Elle, are you crazy?!" Crash exclaimed. "We're not going with them."

"Especially the tiger." I snapped, equally annoyed.

"Look, we'll never make it in time if we only travel by night. These guys can protect us out in the open." Elle tried to persuade us.

"I can protect us!" I objected.

"But the more we have, the bigger our chance is!" She paused, looking at each of us, individually. "What do you say?"

"That tiger even looks in my direction, I'm out." I threatened. Elle squealed, lifting me up and throwing me onto her back.

"Thank you, Keri!"

"Yeah, yeah. You owe me though!" She nodded, as I laid on her back, tired.

"My siblings and I would love to join you." Elle chirped.

"As long as they treat us nicely." Eddy snapped, approaching the tiger. I watched intently.

"And the tiger can't look in Keri's direction." Crash added. The tiger glanced at me, confused. Crash got in his way.

"What did I just say?" He barked.

"Crash, you're so cute when you go all protective." I gushed.

"Well, I don't trust this, this, tiger!" The tiger growled.

"See!" Eddy pointed at him. "That is the opposite of nicely."

"Maybe we'll have a little snack before we hit the road." The tiger threatened, leaning closer to Eddy. I stood up.

"Don't make me come down there and make you regret that!" The tiger began to walk away, when Eddy lifted Crash into the air. One landed on the tiger whilst the other attacked the Sloth.

"Get him! Beat his butt to the ground!" I cheered, enjoying the fight. The tiger tried to eat Crash, but he held his jaw open.

"The best is that we're carrying diseases!" Crash gloated, laughing. I laughed.

Suddenly, a loud rumble echoed through the air. I instantly went silent, crouching down, nervous. The threes shook as I looked around, feeling threatened.

However, the noise left almost as quick as it was here. The tiger spat out Crash, slightly disgusted.

"Okay, thanks to Sid, we are now traveling together. And like it or not we're gonna be one big happy family. I'll be the Daddy. Elle will be the Mommy." I snickered, laying back down, hoping to catch some sleep. "And Diego and the other tiger will be married and be the Auntie and Uncle, who eat the kids that get on my nerves." I shot up.


"Now let's move it, before the ground falls out from under our feet!" Manny ordered.

"I thought fat guys were meant to be jolly." Elle murmured to us.

"Maybe he ate something bad for breakfast." I suggested.

"I'm not fat! It's this fur. It-it makes me look big!" He began to walk away, before turning back to us. "It's poofy!" Elle forced a laugh, nodding her head.she turned to Crash and Eddy who sat on her tusks. I jumped down, wanting to walk a,one beside her.

"He's fat." She told us.

"Isn't it obvious?" The loud rumbling sound returned making me grew quiet as I walked along side Elle.

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