Chapter 2 - Three Possums And A Sabre

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I ran through the woods, knowing the sabre from before was right on my tail. Crash and Eddy clung to me, scared.

"Remind me again, why we got ourselves into this?" I questioned. They didn't respond. We ran round a corner seeing a mammoth and Elle.

"Help!" Crash and Eddy cried. I skidded to a sudden stop. Crash and Eddy flew off, landing to the side of Elle.

"Help?" I repeated. "Help?!" Elle took a step back, glaring at the idiotic possums. "We do not need help! I could've handle him. But you two didn't want to stick around for round two. There was no help. Or no need for help!" I ranted. Crash and Eddy chuckled nervously,before hiding once again behind Elle. I rolled my eyes, but strides over to Elle, sitting beside her, huffing.

The sloth and sabre tooth tiger finally caught up. The tiger roared, trying to intimidate us. It worked for Crash and Eddy, but I just slumped to the ground, bored.

"Elle! Can we go already?" I whined.

"You found another mammoth!" The sloth exclaimed. Elle straightened up, looking around in shock.

"Where?" I too looked around.

"Found one." I nodded my head towards the other mammoth which the sloth and tiger seemed to join.

"Aren't mammoths extinct?" Elle asked, confused.

"Clearly, few of them still around." The mammoth seemed to be very confused. He sorta looked like Elle, but Elle was a possum. The three animals stared at us.

"What's that look for?" I snapped, lowering my shoulders, ready to attack if needed.

"Uhhh, I don't know." The mammoth told us. "Maybe cause you're a mammoth." He stated as if it was obvious.

"No, Keri, is a sabre tooth tiger. Like him." Elle pointed to the other tiger.

"Except I am not hostile." I commented.

"Hostile?" The tiger scoffed. "Of course not, sweetheart." I growled.

"Watch it!" I hissed. He smirked, knowing he was proving at point. And winning.

"Uhhh, no. Not your friend. You." The mammoth stated, confused. I sat up, alarmed at his statement.

"Me? Don't be ridiculous! I'm not a mammoth, I'm a possum." Elle told them.

"Besides she's not, you know, mammoth size." I tried to explain, not really wanting to call him fat.

"I'm not fat!" He defended.

"Never said that." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, I'm a newt." The mammoth stated, sarcastically. He hovered his trunk over the tiger. "This is my friend the badger." His trunk moved to the sloth. "And my other friend the platypus." The sloth's smile dropped.

"Why do I got to be the platypus?" He asked, offended. "Make him the platypus!" The sloth pointed to the tiger.

"Are you mocking us?" I stood up, glaring at us. The sloth clutched to the mammoths leg. Crash and Eddy hopped onto Elle's trunks.

"This guy giving you trouble, sis?" Crash asked.

"Sis?!" The three animals chorused shocked.

"That's right. These are my brothers. Possum. Possum. Possum." She pointed to Crash, Eddy and herself. "And this is my sister. But not like blood, but might as well be." Elle pointed to me. "Sabre." She stated. The mammoth muttered something to his friends. They began to have some sort of hush hush conversation. The sloth then shrugged his shoulders before walking up to us.

"Manny would like me to ask you, if you'd like to come with us?" The sloth asked, pleased with himself. However, Manny, the mammoth, seemed taken aback by this.

"We're good." I told him, alarmed at the strange group. Crash and Eddy jumped down off Elle's tusks and marched over to the tiger.

"I'd rather be road kill!" Eddy sneered. The tiger bent his face down to his level.

"That can arranged!" He threatened. I growled and pushed him back.

"I'd like to see you try!" The tiger, crouched down. I followed, ready to attack.

"I could easily take you down, sweetheart." He scofffed. I snarled.

"Don't call me that!"

"Wow, wow, wow." Manny interrupted us. Elle's trunk wrapped round my leg, yanking me back. She held me upside down in the air.

"Keri!" She hissed.

"He started it." I huffed. Elle lifted me up onto a branch.

"Chill." She ordered. I huffed, but wrapped my tail round the branch. Then just like, Eddy and Crash had shown me, I hung myself upside down.

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