Kushinas rage

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AN: Im sooo sorry for being inactive for awhile... I just havent been very excited to write than usual plus im in a busy part of my life so I dont really have time. I promise ill try to write more often...

"Mum?" "Yes hun?" "Are you going to come with me to Uzushio??" To say Kushina was surprised was an understatement. "Uzushio?? Is that where your staying now?? How do you live in an abandoned village?? How do you eat?? Wha-" "Mum! Im fine. I stay with uncle. Uncle Nagato." "Nagato?? Hes alive?" Kushina was stuck in her brain. This whole time. She thought Nagato had died with the village. But apparently not. "Yes mum hes alive but in a different persons body. His team mates, Yahiko, and has the rinnegan. I left after some errmm... Complications in the village-" "Naruto tell me honestly. What happened to you while I was in a coma..." She got no answer but the boy was looking conflicted into telling her which hurt her because her son should be able to feel comfortable around her. She suddenly enveloped the emotional boy into her arms making him forget all his worries in his mothers arms. "They beat me..." Kushina thinking she didnt hear him properly dipped her head "Huh?? Im sorry I didnt hear you properly..." The boy just tried digging his head more into his mothers shoulder. "I said.. They beat me... Every single day... Ever since I could walk... Ive been scrutinized and ridiculed in so many ways.. They glared at me... Shoved taunts at me... Pushed me around.. Over priced my groceries so I couldnt have a full meal everyday... I was lucky to get one meal every 3 days... I usually lived out of the rubbish bin... Tried to kill me... But Jiji always kept me safe.. And now that hes gone... They got worst... My team mates hate me.. My sensei refuses to teach me.. And so I just... left... I finally had enough of it.. This village... The villagers... My team mates.. The disgust... The hate.. So I left and joined uncle.. He offered me before but I refused thinking the villagers would change their aspect of me.. Apparently I was wrong.. " By the end the blonde was crying but the red haired woman was beyond angry. she was livid. You could see the raging fire in her violet eyes begging to be unleashed. Her posture immediately softened at the sight of her son crying.. Of sadness.. Because of that.. That... scum village. Kushina refused to call that her village anymore. It wasnt the thriving Konoha she knew. It was a village riddled with dark secrets.

 "Sochi.. Ofcourse ill come with you. Im not staying in this disgusting village." The blonde sat there crying out all his pain, misery until he fell asleep again while the redhead was holding him like a lifeline. Then she placed him gently on the bed and tried to get up. Her legs weren't as wobbly as before but she could walk.. barely but she had to see Tsunade. Immediately. She finally made it to the hokage office trying to pass the shocked onlookers. "Kushina-sama!!" "How's she alive!?!?" Shouts broke through the hallways but Kushina who had a look of pure hatred spread her ki making everyone shut up.

 BANG! The redhead threw open the door making everyone in the room jump. "I WANT OUT OF THIS VILLAGE!!!!!" Gasps could be heard all around. The only not surprised one was Tsunade who smirked. "Already on it Kushina." Then the red head had an equally evil smirk. "Good." The red head then walked right on in and sat on a couch and overlooked the other people in the room. "Kakashi!! I miss you!! How have you been?? You've definitely grown into a fine man. Regretfully I couldn't be there.. im sorry for that.. Uchiha?? Wait.. Are you Mikoto's son!?! What's his name Dattebane?? Damn it... She only had you and Itachi.. Sake??.. Suke?? Sa... SASUKE!!! That's right!! Well im pretty much your aunty Dattebane!! Hows Mikoto!?! How's Fugaku? Still a uptight man im guessing? Hows Itachi!?! And sorry I dont know you but you are very beautiful.." There was all sorts of different emotions running through peoples head at that moment.

 Sakura was blushing because an equally beautiful stranger called her beautiful.. "A-Arigato." Sasuke was shocked. Who was this woman and how did she know my family? How come I havent seen her before? "Yes... I am Uchiha Sasuke." As for Kakashi he was as shocked as Sasuke. His senseis wife was still alive... How? 

"If your wondering how im still alive. Ive been in a coma since the ky... Since then. And I just woke up a couple hours ago." She almost slipped about the kyuubi sealing.. Thank god she was watching her mouth. "Who are these ones with you Kakashi?? Dont tell me.. THEY'RE YOUR GENIN TEAM!! Thought you hated kids? " "Umm They're chunins now." "Wait.. Every team has 3 students.. Where's the other one?" She looked around seeing if she missed one. "Umm.. he.." She noticed the down cast looks all of them were giving. "You see Kushina.. The third ones name is Uzumaki Naruto." Tsunade smirked cause she knew what was coming next. The third ones name is Uzumaki Naruto... Was stuck in Kushinas head... THIS WAS HIS GENIN TEAM THAT TREATED HIM LIKE THE DIRT BENEATH HIS SHOES!?!?! My team mates hate me ... My sensei refuses to teach me ... My sensei ... She looked up at Kakashi with raging fires in her violet eyes. "YOU!!!!!" She then ground her teeth and shoved Kakashi up against the wall with her forearm pushing his neck up against it while her hair was raging up in tendrils. "YOU!!! YOU TREATED MY SON LIKE SHIT!! YOUR PART OF THE REASON WHY HE LEFT!! I LOVED YOU KAKASHI AS MY OWN SON!!! AND YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THIS!?!?! HOW DARE YOU!!! MINATO WOULD BE ASHAMED TO CALL YOU HIS STUDENT!!! YOU LEFT OUR SON ALONE WHEN HE NEEDED SOMEONE THE MOST!!! HE SAID YOU REFUSED TO TEACH HIM!! IS IT TRUE!?!?!" But he couldn't say anything because Kushina was pushing to hard on his neck thats when Tsunade decided to intervene. "KUSHINA!! Let the man breathe!" WIth a humpf she dropped the grey haired nin to the floor making him grasp for air. "Sensei!!" Really stupid thing to say when their team mates mother, The team mate they treated like shit, was standing right there and she was already angry. She flew around to look at them with pure hatred. But she wouldn't hit a teenager even though she has the perfect reason to. "AND YOU TWO!! HE SAID YOU'S HATED HIM!!! WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU HUH!?!?" Now that they thought about it he did nothing to them making them really guilty. "Gomenasai.." They both said with their heads bowed. "You shouldn't be saying that to me. Say that to him... If you see him ever again." By time she was finished with them two Kakashi was finally standing. "Im.. *inhale* .. sorry ..*inhale* Kushina.." "Likewise to you. Say it to him. If he forgives yous.. I will. If he doesn't.. Yous are on my kill list... Dont worry the list is already big so you's have a bit of time. Tsunade can I have the keys to the compund?" Tsunade then threw the Namikaze compound keys to her with a smile. "There we go Kushina.. Take your jutsu in the basement aswell." She smiled at the thought of having her son at home with her then with a wave she exited the room. "Will do Tsunade."

Uzumaki-sama .The Uzukage (Itanaru)《Naruto Fic》Where stories live. Discover now