Start over

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"Ughh... Where am I?" 'Kit. Youve been taken by that uchiha-brat and shark face. And now your in the Akatsuki lair and HOW STUPID ARE YOU?!?!? TO LET YOURSELF BE CAPTURED!!' 'SORRY!! Sorry.. I was too tired okay!?!?!' 'Dont let it happen again now lets get out of here.' 'Hai hai kura' '*mumbling* dont call me that....' "hehe" RASENSHURIKEN!!  Then I made a huge hole in the wall but before I started to leave I heard "WAITT!! WE HAVE A PROPOSITION FOR YOU!! " I slowly turned and raised an eyebrow. Before me was Hoshigaki Kisame and 'the' Uchiha Itachi. "And what would that be??" Really not giving a damn. "We have to take you to leader-sama if you want to know." I stood there thinking if it was worth it. Ehh got nothing better to do and I also get to see uncle. Just keep your guard up kit. Hai "Fine. Lead the way." I bowed mockingly with a smirk. Kisame looked like he wanted to skin me while the Uchiha stood there emotionless as ever but with a look of amusement in his spinning red eyes. Kisame grumbled then started leaving with me and Itachi in tow.

When we got to two big black doors Itachi knocked. "Come in." A deep voice said from within the room. We all casually walked in and up on a desk was a guy with spiky orange hair and alot of peicings on his face. A very familiar face indeed. I grinned and jumped forward a bit much to Kisames and Itachis confusion. "Hey uncle Nagato!!!" Itachis and kisames jaws fell to the floor. "Oi gaki show so-" "Kisame." Kisame shut his mouth instantly at his leaders booming voice. Then 'pain' smiled down at me. "Ohayou Naruto." "Soo... Uncle whats this proposition you have for me?" I grinned up at him." I want to know why you left Konoha first so this doesnt require you two so get out. And also if you speak of anything that happened in this room.." He left the threat hanging knowing they will get it as they walked out the door. Since I had my back turned I didnt see the concerned red eyes looking at my skull. When they left I sighed and sat on the arm chair next to his desk. He rested his face in his hands while waiting for me to answer. "Well it was a matter of when I was leaving that hellhole. My mask... broke... uncle. They shattered the cherry facade ive had on over the span of my life time. Every year it cracks even more... My team mates insult and abuse me... my sensei neglects in training me... 98% of the village hates me for someone that inhabits me... I have been abused physically and verbally for almost 10 years.... My friends sneer at me in private. The only ones that care are baa-chan, ero-sennin and Iruka-sensei. 3 people arent enough uncle..." By then I had curled up on myself and tears ran down my cheeks remembering ... everything...  I felt strong arms surround me. Hugging me tightly. "See this is why I wanted you to come with me before Naruto. I knew this day would come and I dreaded it. You cant change the past but you can make yourself a better future Naruto." He grabbed my face making me look at his rinnegan. "I want you to become an akatsuki member and you will be solo temporarily.  So Uzumaki Naruto would you like to become a official member of the akatsuki?" I looked at him amazement clear in my eyes. "Hai"

'I can start over'

Uzumaki-sama .The Uzukage (Itanaru)《Naruto Fic》حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن