Lark took a step back, "Woah there, mister. I'm in the clan that helped defeat Ashclan. Is that your way of saying thank you? Ever heard of gratitude?"

"Ever heard of respect?" Red lightly growled, "We have dead kits, a destroyed camp, and tons of work to do. Mind giving us some space?"

Crystal looked down on the floor, then switched her gaze to Lark, "You better go. It's getting kinda late anyway."

The sky showed the birth of evening in its violet colors. The weather was quite chilly, seeing that winter was only a few weeks away. Lark took one last look at Crystal, before snatching his travel pouch from the ground. He placed his ax into one of the pockets in his belts, then took off.

Red looked at Crystal, "Gray says she needs to speak to you in her den. I've ordered everyone to go to their dens and rest. Some warriors have volunteered to be on lookout, so they will be by the entrance of the camp. Also, in case of any emergencies, I've put Eclipse and Fawn on 4 hour shifts."

"Sounds pretty organized," Crystal exclaimed, "Since the camp is so guarded, why can't Lark stay for the night?"

Red growled, "You know that can't happen. We can't trust anyone nowadays.. Even Gray."

Crystal opened her mouth to counter back, but then realized it wasn't worth arguing. She already had lots of chances to fight during the day, and now she just wanted to jump onto her cozy couch and let its warmth and peacefulness overcome her. Red nodded as if she had made the right decision, then he walked off to talk to some senior warriors. Crystal watched him leave before scurrying over to the leader's den, where Gray would be nesting on her couch. Sure enough, she was right.

"Hey," Gray muttered, as she bounced on Crystal's couch.

"Get out of my seat!" Crystal snapped, "You can steal my fresh-kill, you can sleep on my nest, but you cannot, and I mean CANNOT steal my spot on the couch!"

"Stop being so overdramatic," Gray rolled her eyes at her sister.

"I'll do that once you educate yourself on what sarcasm is!" Crystal countered back delightfully.

Gray sighed, then leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

"It's been a long day. We were woken up at 1 am, had to wake up early for a clan meeting, had to have a huge battle, and then I explained our siblings to Lark," Crystal yawned, managing to her eyes open unlike the gray leader.

"I still can't believe we've heard the name Pebble twice already," Gray mumbled, "It's such a weird coincidence... as if he's still alive and is haunting the present day."

"Do you think he's still alive?" Crystal suggested, "It wouldn't make any sense though."

A screen popped up above Crystal's head, involuntarily. When someone had a strong memory they were thinking of, a small amount of memory shade users would automatically play it, and if the power was strong enough they could play others memories. The memory she was thinking of started to play in the hologram.

It was dawn, for the morning sun has not risen yet. It was slowly disappearing and Crystal saw the stars' twinkle slowly appearing behind them, in the background.

"Mommy?" Crystal squeaked. She was a kit at the time, with the same hair she possessed now only more fluffier and bigger in size as well as shoulder length instead of waist length. Her outfit consisted of a white gossamer dress, with a golden belt. On her head rested a beautiful white rose crown, intertwined carefully and made by Pebble. Pebble stood beside her with her mother, Silverflow. Silverflow had ragged, gray hair that was uncombed and unbalanced.

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