[서른둘] Nocturna

Start from the beginning

For a second, Rick's brows furrowed at this request. "Alright. Carl, wait outside."

"I'm going to find Uncle Jeff then," Carl huffed as Ezekiel and Sasha stepped into the room.

"The last time I checked he was in the infirmary trying to use a cane," Glenn stated as Rick walked into the room. Carl merely ignored him, stalking off in that direction.

"Maiya, if anything goes wrong-" Glenn started to say, but was cut off by his sister.

"It won't. I will do everything to make sure it doesn't."

Then she shut the door, leaving Glenn alone with his thoughts.


"I have to admit you guys are pretty brave to come here. It seems like it would be too easy to just ambush you," Maiya put her hands on her hips. "And to be honest, I'm not sure if you were bluffing about your people being close by."

"We weren't," Sasha retorted with a glare. "And you're right. It seems like we just played right into your hands coming here. You have several advantages over us."

"Like I said earlier, you saw what we do here. And you just come over like no it's no big deal. Even though you have such loyal people that they would fight for you, aren't you scared?" Maiya inquired as she sat down at a table.

"We are. I won't deny that. We've even scouted just exactly how you're doing it." Rick took a seat as did the two other leaders. "Us being here doesn't make us any less disgusted and horrified. But we were willing to bet you wouldn't try and harm us because you're scared."

"Scared of what?" Now, Maiya was genuinely interested.

"Us," Rick stared her down.

"You three took down an enemy we couldn't even kill. I know better than to mess with someone like that," Maiya admitted. "That was a risky move to bet your lives on, to be honest. But unlike Negan, I don't underestimate people. I see you all don't either."

"Let's get down to business," Sasha interrupted. "I don't want to be here; I just want to get this over with as soon as possible."

"Okay, lay out what you want," Maiya insisted.

"What we need are medical supplies," Sasha frowned. "As you know, Jesus is still recovering."

"The Kingdom's livestock is ill and needs medicine," Ezekiel stated.

"And we need those weapons you all took from Oceanside," Rick muttered. "I would ask for a medic, but I already know the answer to that."

"Smart decision," Maiya grinned.

"Oh, and most importantly, my brother," Rick demanded.

"...Fine," Maiya folded her arms. "But of course, you will have to help us too." Judging by the trio's expressions, she quickly added: "Obviously not with our experiments."

"What is it you need?" Sasha asked through gritted teeth.

"There is a reservoir nearby that holds hundreds of monsters. We plan to blow them up. We have made bombs before, but we need bomb experts for something this big. Also, we need animals of our own."

"Reservoir?" Rick looked at her curiously.

"Yeah, there was a whole herd of them months ago. But we were able to trap them in a dry reservoir. They're decaying and will eventually be gone, but might as well exterminate them right now. It will also bring in stray ones, acting as a trap," Maiya explained, trying to remember how Lillith phrased it.

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