Unwanted attention.

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I leant back against the door listening for footsteps or any sign he may have left. "Listen lass, just open the door. I just want to talk to you!" He shouted slamming the door again. Slowly rising I turn and face the door, my trembling hands reaching for the handle. "What do you want from me?" I state calmly trying to hide my fear. There was a pause before heavy footsteps moved away. I frown and step away before dashing upstairs. He had left and that's all that mattered. I dress quickly for bed and hide under my covers till the sweet embrace of sleep took me.
Morning light broke through my window and caught my face, my eyes flutter open as I sigh softly. I rise slowly and take my time getting dressed. As I head downstairs to make some breakfast i notice how noisy the town seems, there must be new ships in again. My mind races and I grab an apple rushing out. I walk quickly to the port to see the ships, slipping through the crowds of women and children. As I near the port my heart drops, none of them are my brother's ship. I sigh and head to the bakery taking small bites of the apple.

Pushing the door open carefully I bid a good morning to my friend Katrina smiling as I walk behind the counter. "Good morning Natalia, have you seen all the ships?" She asks cutting some bread up. I hum in response tying my apron on and pinning my hair up into a bun. Katrina glances at me and frowns. "He will come home, he's a brave man but he's also true to his family." Katrina says placing the bread back on the shelf and rubbing my arm. I force a smile and nod. I serve Miss Dinkleworth as well as Mrs George their usual. Some sailors come in collecting large amounts of bread rolls for journeys. Me and Katrina joke around during the quiet times, she always knows how to make me smile.

At midday, she leaves to go tend to her mother leaving me in the shop till her return. I begin to make a new batch of dough for tomorrow, kneading the dough sending flour everywhere. While I work I hear the ding of the bell. "One moment!" I call to the customer pulling my hands free and wiping them on my apron. "Hello how may I help you?" I say on cue as I walk to the counter. I look up and gasp realising who it is. The gentleman from last night. He raises his hands in defence and steps away. "I mean no harm lass, I just wanted to introduce myself properly...and buy some bread" he says smiling. I pause for a moment thinking before nodding. "Good. I'm Gabriel. I'm sorry about last night lass." Gabriel says tipping his imaginary hat. I cover my mouth from giggling. "I'm Natalia. And it's fine," I smile at him "now what can I get you?" He orders mainly sweet bread as well as bit cake and two tarts. How unhealthy.

As I hand him the bag he grabs my hand gently. "May I come see you tonight lass?" He asks with pleading eyes. I nod slowly and tug my hand away. "You know where I live... I shall see you tonight" I mumble anxiously. We nod and he leaves. He was a beautiful man but I should keep such thoughts to myself. Katrina returns not longer and jokes about me so flustered. If only she knew.

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