Night Of The Living Dread

Start from the beginning

Rhydon: (to the camera) While Meowstic and all other teams in the ticket line moan about not making the first flight, yesterday's top nine teams are all snug aboard flight number one.

(Sometime later)

Rhydon: Well, looks like flight two has been in the air for a while now and flight one is just about to arrive at Bermuda.

(Inside flight one)

Buizel: Looks like we're flying over the Bermuda Triangle now.

Oshawott: Um... isn't that bad...

Banette: Well there are rumors of aliens and people disappearing from here or something.(Laughs spookily) Cool huh? (Oshawott gulps)

Squirtle: (peering from his seat in front of Oshawott) It'll be a-okay Oshawott. No need to worry.

Oshawott: Thanks Squirtle.

Buizel: So, this is your friend Oshawott? (He nods) Alright then. I'm Buizel. The super fast and strong and awesome cousin of this little guy.

Oshawott: (mumbles) And arrogant.

Squirtle: Oh. Nice to meet you. I'm Squirtle and this is my best friend Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur: Hello.

Machoke: Okay cool it with the friendliness. It's getting awkward over here.

Weavile: Yeah. Just keep it down you losers.  (All of a sudden the plane lights starts flashing red as the plane begins descending) Woah! What's going on.

Flaaffy: Oh crap! The plane is going down!

Bellossom: Going down?

Flaaffy: WE'RE CRASHING!!! (Everyone begins screaming and panicing)

Togedemaru: I'm too young to die!

Buizel: And I'm to awesome!

Rhydon: (appears on a monitor) Attention! Everyone! Over here! (Everyone looks at the monitor) You're on route to crash on an island not on maps. Once you land I'm gonna have to improvise some challenges...

Bellossom: Phew. We're gonna be okay.

Rhydon: Oh, I never said that. You know, if you do, I have something planned. Just look for someone. They'll be the only Pokémon on the island and all. Rhydon out.

Buizel: Coward. Can't even bother to meet us.

Buneary: I know right.

Chespin: Um, guys? CRASHING!? (The plane lands with a semi rough ending) Ug. Is everyone okay?

Delcatty: Come on Surskit, let's hurry and find that mystery Pokémon!

Surskit: Um, yeah. Definitely.

(On flight two)

Turtwig: (to himself) You're gonna be okay. The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle are just superstitions. Nothing bad will happen. (Turns to see Piplup staring at him) Hehehe. Sorry.

Piplup: It's gonna be okay. Trust me, it's just a myth. (Rhydon appears on a screen in the plane)

Rhydon: Yoo-hoo! Over here everyone. So, there has been a slight mishap with plane number one.

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Where stories live. Discover now