got7 as your roommate

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MARK: one time, in the middle of the night, you woke up to clanking in the kitchen so you walked over and – "mark what the fuck it's 4:33 in the morning stop eating cereal". he's a pretty quiet guy which is great for when you get back from work and you just want to rest. but he's also playful and knows how to have fun, like the time he scared you shitless after your shower and to this day, he cackles about it. sometimes he'll take it too far like when you were watching horror movies in your room and he started fiddling with the doorknob and you screamed so loudly, he couldn't help but giggle for the entire night. i hope you're not allergic to dogs because coco will definitely live with you two. he's not the cleanest roomie ever but if you ask him to wash the dishes or do the laundry, he'll do it.

JB: this is the guy that has a schedule on who does what chore on which day and literally, one day you forgot to do the dishes and he refused to do any chores for the rest of the week. he takes it very seriously but if you just whine or act cutesy for a little bit, he'll cave in. he's the designated driver and when your friends call him at 2 am because you're deadass drunk, he'll pick you up in a flash. when you're binge watching netflix, he'll always remind you to try to get some sleep. jaebum is really clean and organized, but unfortunately he can't cook for shit so you both either order takeout for the entire week or you cook (which he secretly wishes you did more often because he really likes it). nora, his cat, will definitely live with you guys and there'll be kitty litter in the strangest places a.k.a your wallet like ??? jaebum how did this get in here ???

JACKSON: this guy. he's the roommate that wakes up at 7 am, for a morning job or to just hit the gym early. when he returns, he usually has some type of breakfast food and coffee for you but he's definitely going to wake you up so you can eat while it's still warm. protein powder and shakes, organic everything will be in your cabinets, fridge, hell it'll even be in the closet you keep the toilet paper. expect loads of snapbacks on the floor. the one to kill the bugs or that really big spider you almost stepped on after your shower (there was a lot of screeching). he's always bringing in life to your house though and always makes you have a proper serving of food when you eat at home. jackson, as a roommate, won't be the cleanest person but he's pretty good at making it seem like your house is clean.

JINYOUNG: books, everywhere. he's the roommate that makes it seem like you're living with another mother except the food isn't as great but the thought is still there. he's big on knowledge and reading so weekend trips to the library will most definitely be a thing, even the occasional 'book club' meetings despite the both of you being the only two members (maybe jaebum). if you're still studying in university, he'll respect your work ethic and also try to help you out. he basically knows your schedule like the back of his hand too so whenever it's past 8 and you have to go to work or attend class, he'll knock on your door and say "don't you have somewhere to be?" he's soft-spoken but it doesn't hide the many thoughts he has inside so if you're up for long, in the middle of the night, deep conversations, jinyoung is your guy.

YOUNGJAE: the roommate that wakes you up at 1 am because he's watching comedy movies on netflix and laughing too loudly. But it's okay because youngjae's laugh is literally music itself and you really just fall back asleep. he's also the type to sing opera loudly in the morning, which makes you wake up but you don't complain. you and he will have singing competitions galore and even go out for karaoke whenever he's free. might need to nag him in order for him to clean and organize the house and his room. sometimes babysits coco if mark's flying out of town or too busy and he'll usually pay more attention to her than you but he loves dogs and as long as she pees where she needs to, it's perfectly alright. occasionally, you'll try to scare him and his vocal lungs shout so loudly that you regret being near the vicinity of his screams but his reactions are so funny.

BAMBAM: this guy will literally watch as you walk out their door in your outfit and say "are you really going to wear that". don't worry though; he'll rush out apologies for his sassy tone but then proceed to push you back into your room as he rummages through your closet for an alternative outfit. when you two first moved into your new apartment/house, he was the first to call for the room with the bigger closet because lord knows he needed it but he still has some of his clothes in yours. he keeps his stuff organized though, and whenever he goes into your room for his clothes, he whines to himself like "did you move it (y/n)? i can't find my–oh wait, i see it". very fun person to be around too and sometimes when you both have free days, you just joke around and laugh at everything. When jackson goes to take bambam out to eat meat, you'll definitely join.

YUGYEOM: yugyeom's the roommate to be cooking something when you get home and when you ask if you can have some, he'll say "what? you don't have hands?" the roommate to be blaring chris brown late at night and you'll pound on the door like "yugyeom keep it down!" your snapchat stories are usually him dancing in the middle of your living room at your request because he decided to not do laundry today so he had to make it up for you. he's somewhat organized with his room and if you tell him to vacuum, he'll do it (but whine a bit since he is still childish). your friends are always asking if you're dating that tall hunk of a guy but you always laugh it off because yugyeom acts like your taller, intimidating boyfriend whenever people you don't want to see show up at your door. also, expect whoppie cushions on your chair whenever you sit down and salt in your coffee.

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