got7 as types of students

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- fits in in every group
- gets very frustrated cause he used to be the prodigy™ but now he's just average
- teachers love him
- but he secretly hates all of them
- never takes notes during class
- he just doodles during them
- and studies through his textbooks when he gets home
- always laughs at the stupidest things
- favorite subject is english

- always on his phone
- he doesn't even try to hide it anymore
- but the teachers just stopped giving a fuck
- always barealy passes his classes
- but is because of lack of trying cause he ain't stupid
- loves spanish cause the teacher only tells stories about his life

- student athlete
- straight As
- liked by everyone
- everyone has a crush on him
- is always dating a different girl/guy
- part of the cool kids™
- favorite subject is PE and chemistry

- always has something to say
- loves to show how smart he is even if the information is irrelevant
- loves to correct the teachers
- everytime the teachers are explaining something it seems like they are talking only to him
- but he is actually quite nice outside of the school environment
- a nerd
- a sucker for history

- isn't really noticed
- even though he sits at the first row
- everyone thinks he's really stupid
- he's actually quite smart
- never opens his mouth
- when he does he always leaves everyone like "wtf"
- doesn't like loud noises
- always cover his ears when the teacher makes that annoying sound when writing on the blackboard
- doesn't really have a favorite subject he just kinda wings it

- literally never shuts up
- already has his hand up after the teacher only said like two words
- kinda annoying
- but everyone loves him
- including the teachers cause he's always nice to them
- actually really smart
- dabs every time he gets a right answer
- surprisingly his favorite subject is math

- always sleeping
- sometimes even brings a blanket to class
- sits at the back
- tries hard but he's grades aren't the best
- really soft and squishy when he arrives sleepy in the first period
- loves biology

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