Chapter 66

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~One year later~

*Dougies pov*

Evie and I were going to meet up with Harry and Laura at the closest park for a picnic , it was a stunning summers day so Evie and I were planning to get up early.

'"Common babe, wake up" Evie states, rubbing my back,

"Five more minutes.." I murmur turning and putting my face into the pillow,

"Fine.." She sighs slipping out of the bed, "I was gonna suggest we take a quick shower togeth-" I was quickly out of bed and pulling her towards the bathroom before she could finish her sentence.

After our shower, packing things to take for lunch, we headed off and met Harry and Laura at the park.

"Hey guys!" Harry greets us with a hug, we all exchange greetings and head for the centre of the park. A large oak tree stood on a hill, we all decided to sit under it and start eating,

"So how you enjoying London Laura?" I ask,

"Yeah it's great, Harrys been showing me loads of things to do around here, next week he'll be coming back with me to Bristol so I can do the same for him" She smiles, kissing his cheek and making his blush.

We carry on eating and chatting, it gradually gets later and later and by the time we decide to leave it is about half six, "How about we go back to mine, we can have dinner and a couple of drinks" Harry suggests,

I start putting cutlery and plates back into the picnic basket while the girls took the rubbish and headed off towards Harrys'. Harry and I eventually catch up with them, Evie and I passed a large house - like a bigger version of ours. We both stopped at the same time and just stood in awe at the house, it was the one we had be describing only in our dreams,

"You like?" Harry chuckles from behind us,

"Yeah, it's gorgeous" Evie sighs,

"It's just gone on the market, the previous owners just moved"

Evie and I instantly look at each other, this was the one..


Within the next few days Evie and I went down to the estate agents and put a bid onto the house, we had a tour of house yesterday and we had won it!

"I'm so excited!" Evie exclaims as we step out the agents after going through all the papers and the money for the house,

"Same! Our new house! but I think there's too much space for just the two of us tho" I wink,

"Are you saying what I think you are Poynter?" Evie grins pulling my hands into hers,

"Depends on what you want to hear?"

"Just say it" she playfully hits my chest,

"Evie Stephanie Turner, will you have my children?"

"Yes" She grins, stepping up on her tip toes and kissing me passionately, there was a slight beeping coming from my back pocket- my phone, I sigh before moving away from Evie's lips,

"Hey Tom?" I say,

"Hey Doug, what you up too?" Tom whispers

"Just hanging out with Evie, you?"

"Panicking, can you come over?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Um something.. I'll tell you went you get here.." And with that the line went dead, I look over to Evie who looks just as confused as I felt,

"What did he want?"

"He wants me to go over, do you wanna come?"

"Nah I'm gonna go home and start dinner, see you later babe" She said kissing my cheek before skipping off.

I walk back to the car and head off towards Tom, I had no idea what could be panicking him.. I was quickly at his door and began knocking, there was a muffled "Its open" from upstairs. I walk in and wait for Tom to come down, soon enough there were shuffles coming from the stairs.

I turn to see Tom standing against the door frame, a small open purple box in his hands with a ring,

"Tom I'm flattered, but we still haven't told the others" I chuckle, he closes it and sits opposite me; panic defiantly flushed over his face but he gave me sarcastic glare, "okay okay! Take a joke dude. So is that for lily?"

"No it's for my gran, for course it's for Lily!"

"Hey okay no need to be sarcastic!"

"Sorry.. just nervous I guess.." he sighs rolling the box around in his hands,

"So, When you thinking of doing it?"

"I have no clue, it took me three hours to choose this ring.. I don't know when the perfect time would be, but I'm thinking of when everyone's around - our little group.."

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