Chapter 3

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"Number 345?" The man states walking back through the door, I take a deep breath before following him into a gigantic hall. There were 3 judges at the back and a chair in the middle for, I'm guessing, me to sit in. There was also another person sitting by the window, there was a dark shadow covering his face and all I could see was his long jean covered legs, a green checkered shirt and the outline of his spiked up hair.

"Hi, what's your name and what will you be singing?" The rather terrifying lady stated leaning back in her chair,

"Um hello, I'm Lily Stevens and i'll be singing I need a woman.. by McFly" I reply,

The man from the shadows leans over slightly and I could just about make out that is long spiked up hair was blond, I vaguely felt like I knew him but carried on to sing.

"Okay, when ever you're ready" The man on the left said lifting his hand as he does;

"I've be searching for some, love and affection because,

Nobody's givin me the, kind of attention

I'm aloneee, oh hoo I'm alonee

Can't help thinking that there's, somebody missin

Who can, hold me and please me till I'm, tired of your kissin

I'm alonee, ohh hoo I'm alone"

The man lifts his hand up again, signalling for me to stop. I move my guitar off my lap and put it beside me. They all look at each other, whispering and nodding before one of them looks over to the shadow man (my new nick name for him) and then back at me,

"Well lily, you're a fantastic musician and we will get in touch with you when we've decided whether or not you're in" The lady said standing up and holding out her hand.

I walk up to the judges and shake all they're hands, looking over to the corner of the room to try and see the hidden man. But he had gone..

McFly, Tom And The Musician ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now