[1] Something New

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"Unfortunately from what I've learned, no, you can't." He responds with a sympathetic look in my direction.

I feel bummed out, but I don't let myself mull over what I can't change. "Alright, let me just summarize what you just told me instead." I tell him as I collect my some what confused thoughts. "So I'm a seer but in a sense a division that reads memories?" He nods before taking a sip of his drink.

Well on the bright side I can at least tell people that seeing the future is not my division.

He sets his cup back down on the table. "It is quite a unique and special gift that you should be proud of."

My eyebrow twitches in disbelief. And I'm sure I look like I just took a big bite out of a lemon. Did he just use the word gift to describe whatever the haystack is wrong with me?

I slam my good hand on the table, nearly knocking over my cup, but not earning even the slightest flinch in response from him. "Gift? You honestly think this--this thing is a gift?" I question in disbelief.

Phineas doesn't respond so I continue. "All this 'gift' has done is put me in enough bad situations to last a few life times. And don't even get me started on all the times that I've felt like I was invading people's privacy." I cross my arms across my chest and look out the window.

He has absolutely no idea of all that I've been through. Must be easier for him not having to see all the pain and suffering someone has gone through. What's worse is that there are times when I can literally feel what a person experienced when I get a glimpse of something horrible from their past.

Does he honestly think that I'd even remotely think this thing would be a gift. All I've ever gotten out of it is headaches, getting myself into some bad situations, and not to mention scaring the ever living crab-cakes out of myself most of the time.

He takes another sip of his drink, thoughtfully looking across the table at me. "Have you ever experienced any form of panic or anxiety from it?" He asks calmly. Acting as if I didn't just blow up in his kitchen almost spilling my drink over the table.

Man this guy has some type of supernatural patience if you ask me. Remorse starts to settle in because of my rude and grumpy behavior.

I take a moment to think it over, before nodding my head yes. There were luckily only a very small handful of times were it happened. But it's definitely not something I ever want to experience again.

"And do you know why?" The red haired seer questions.

"I'm assuming it's because at some moments I'd become overwhelmed by everything I'd see all the time." I answer quietly, still looking out the window.

I remember how horrible it was having to experience so much raw emotion from a person's memory up to the point were I didn't think I could take it much longer. And it wasn't until I found out what Alan actually is, that I stopped considering myself crazy because he explained the supernatural world to me.

"Well Claire that's were you are wrong." He corrects, making me turn with a new found interest. With a smile from catching my attention he continues. "They happened because you were too busy pushing away your gift instead of learning how to control it." I uncross my arms and fold them neatly on the table.

"So your saying that because I was trying to push my sight away, it pushed back." Thinking about that now I can see how it would make sense. I mean I did always try to push away or at the very least ignore what my brain was trying to make me see.

"You're very intelligent too aren't you." He grins. I aimlessly stir the spoon in my cup, not comfortable with talking about how smart I am. The thing is that I don't like people thinking that I go around just bragging about my intelligence, because I don't.

"I assume that has nothing to do with your gift, looks like you just won the prize horse, as they say, on that gift." What, who even says that?

"Okay lets just recap this thing one more time." I wave my hand around aimlessly. "I'm a seer who's division is seeing people's past." I summarize, short sweet and to the point.

He smiles letting me know that I'm correct. "Now begs the next question. How do I get it to stop popping up at random times?" I ask.

"For that there are two options." He responds. I wait for him to continue as I take a sip of the untouched tea in my cup.

"The first is to help you make your own trigger as to when the sight is used." He explains. "And the second is for you to bond with another supernatural being." I raise an eyebrow at the second option.

"What type of supernatural are we talking about here?" I question suspiciously, knowing that whenever something sounds to easy it's because it usually is.

"It's typically another seer or any other supernatural creature that can sense the future of a person." Phineas explains. "I'm certain either would work even in your case."

Dang it. I was kinda hoping he would say a werewolf since I actually live under the same roof as one.

"Seeing as how I don't know any other future seeing supernatural creatures. I'll just chose option one." I reply before grabbing another cookie of the plate.

"Wait right here." He instructs before quickly standing and leaving to the next room. "A fair warning though, Claire. This might hurt."


A/N: hey everyone and anyone who's being awesome and reading Spurious. Frist off I want to say you are awesome for reading through my oftentimes horrible writing skills, I swear you should get an award or something.

And secondly I'm on summer vacation so I won't have any college work in my way of updating quickly. So let me know what you guys think cause a few pointers wouldn't hurt at all.

Spurious [Sequel To Open Your Eyes] *editing*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt