Chapter Thirty

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I was tired. 

But when my eyes landed on him, my feet took me there. And before I knew it, I was in his arms again. I inhaled his cologne, as I felt him run his fingers through my hair. 

"Ayumi." he murmured. "I missed you.. so much." 

People didn't mind. After all, I haven't seen Yoongi for more than a year. Feeling a lot happier, I hugged him even tighter and pulled away to kiss his nose. He pouted, and leaned in. I got so excited that it took me a while to pull away. 

'I missed you too,' I knew he understand such a simple sign language. He smiled and gently grabbed my wrist and luggage. 

"Come on, you must be tired." he lead me through the airport. "Let's get waffles!" 

Everything disappeared but me and him. And soon, I found ourselves walking in the snowy streets of Seoul. 

"I didn't know you could become any more cuter," Yoongi turned to me, slowly letting go of my hand as he pulled out some keys and opened the door to an apartment. It looked so familiar - but I didn't know where it was. 

I giggled and handed him my phone: 'What's with you being so sweet today?' 

He shrugged and made his way to a piano. While I sat down on the bed nearby. He eyed me, before pressing the keys. "I wrote a song for you." 

A number came to my mind: 9. 

Has he already written 9 songs about me?  

His voice turned faint. And time stopped - it was as if we were the only ones in the world. The sound of the people and vehicles outside toned down. The snow stopped falling, and I heard him perfectly. 

'Time will surely hurt, 

As older as it grows,

But I will bare the pain, 

To see that smile of yours.' 

His lyrics were much more direct. And before I even got to clap my hands, he made his way over and kneeled on one knee, kissing both of my hands and enveloping them inside his. "It's not easy to give my heart to you.." 

"But you're the only one I can ever give it to." 

"Ayumi.." he whispered. "Will you marry me?"

The scene shifted. And suddenly, I felt my limbs move on their own as I listened to a catchy, giddy melody. I turned to the side, seeing Yoongi grinning as he pressed on the keys, watching me as I danced. 

He bobbed his head with the beat as I danced to it so smoothly, it was almost as if we'd practiced this... did we? I don't remember clearly. 

But I didn't care. The atmosphere was so light, I stopped dancing and turned to him, pulling him with me. And I took an ever so familiar stance. He seemed to know what he was doing when he placed his arm around my waist and intertwined his fingers with mines. 

We started dancing slowly. It was a dance I knew too well. Our dance.. that's what we called it. It was so simple, yet so special. 

He moved closer and rested his chin on top of my head, "I love you." 

I felt myself smiling as I looked up. 

He leaned in again. But everything went so wrong. 

It happened so fast. My legs grew weak, and I collapsed. My heart started beating rapidly. My body became so weak. He crouched down and held my hand. 

"Ayumi?" he said softly. "Ayumi!" 

And everything went black. 


I felt someone slightly tugging on my arm. 

My eyes fluttered open, and I turned to the side, seeing Yoongi peacefully muttering my name in his sleep, "Ayumi...." 

I couldn't help but smile. I moved my numb hand to run my fingers through his hair, and his eyes slowly opened. 

He made a weird sound, "How was your sleep?" 

I giggled. I didn't regret touching his hair - since for some reason, a few strands were now standing up. And I hoped I had my phone with me to take a photo. 

"Aish, why are you laughing?" he pouted, pulling out his phone. He was about to fix it, but I waved a hand in front of me. It was adorable. 

"You know.." he rested his head on top of the bed. "As much as I hate to admit it, I suddenly miss dancing with you." he handed me his phone, and I scoffed. 

'Pabo. Why wouldn't you like to admit it?' 

"Okay, maybe dancing just turned swaggy." he cracked a gummy smile. "But I don't want to go to prom with anyone else but you." 


He managed to read my expressions, "I need to go to prom, since it's required. And it has grades. I didn't ask anyone out." 

My brows furrowed, 'Why?' 

"I think you're the only one I'm ever going to ask out for prom and all those other things," he said slowly. "I'm comfortable enough with you." 

I frowned, 'You should ask someone out for prom!'

He scowled, "No." 

"And to be honest, if it isn't you," he tapped his fingers on the bed. "I don't think I'll ever ask anyone else out for prom." 

What an introvert. 

He was so weird.. 

"Unless maybe, that person is really, really, special. In a different way, of course." he shrugged. 

"And also," his frown turned into a grin. "The recital is tomorrow!" 

I didn't know that. And it got me so excited, I moved my hand that it hurt. But I didn't mind. I slowly clapped my hands. I wanted to watch him perform! 

"I'll have my brother record it for you," he promised. "I'll win. For you." 

My heart fluttered, but it didn't hurt. I motioned him to move closer, and I planted a quick kiss on his cheek, 'Fighting!' 

"Shame." he pouted. "I'd be looking all cool tomorrow. I'm not going to change until you see me in a fancy-looking suit." he grinned. 

I nodded in agreement. 

"Also, please get better." he gently poked my cheek, which was so unlike him. But it was adorable. "So we can spend the new year together and watch the fireworks and stars again." 

My eyes widened at his request, 'Really?' 

He nodded, "Yeah." 

'Then let's have a deal!' I typed in. 'If you win the recital, I will get better and we can spend the new year together!' 

He scoffed, "I'd so win." 

I held out my pinky finger. 

He curled it around mines. 

"I'll win for you." 


this is a short chapter 


i am so nice omg

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