Chapter Ten

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I went to school with a light heart.

Listening to Yoongi's songs before going to sleep was nice. I mean, if you cut off the songs that seemed like he was frustrated, I adored them all. He's very admirable and hard working.

Sneakily, I walked up to the 3rd floor and into the music room. I pulled out my wallet and placed my allowance for the day on top of the piano. I didn't bother leaving a message.

I was making my way to the gymnasium, when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turn around, seeing an ever so familiar face.

"Ayumi!" Jimin giggled, ruffling my hair. "Cheerleader Ayumi, it's time for practice!" he faked his voice, and his smile dropped. "By the way, where were you yesterday?" he handed me his phone.

And I typed in everything! I was smiling the whole way. When he finished reading, he gasped and pinched my cheeks. "Ah, he's a lucky one."

My brows furrowed and I slightly tilted my head. He nodded and gently pulled me with him, "Because he has someone liking him as amazing as you! Anyways.. I'm not a dancer for the cheering team since I'm in charge of the people in the bleachers."

I giggled and nodded in understanding. We walked inside the gym, where everyone was stretching and warming up their voices.

"There she is!" Jimin said cheekily, pointing at Eri from a distance. She was pretty. In fact, she was really flexible. Totally a dancer! "Also, Namjoon-hyung has no choice but to be in the bleachers."

'Yoongi?' I typed in.

He gave me a teasing look, "Yah, you really like him. Well, he just happens to be one of the people that serves as an audience. So I don't think he's here for practice.." he looked around the gym, and I did so too.

He laughed evilly, his gaze dropping on the other side of the bleachers. "Oh, never mind." he motioned to where he was, and I followed it. I felt heat rise up my cheeks at the sight of him. He was on his phone. No surprise.

I lightly slapped his shoulder, and he chuckled. "Alright.. I'll be off." he groaned. I smiled and waved goodbye, and he made his way to the bleachers. I placed my bag on the side and found a place to stretch.

I could feel stares - but I didn't mind them. Jiyeon was a dancer too, huh? I carried on with my routine until the teacher ordered us to start practicing. I pulled out my phone from my bag, while the other dancers waited for me in the middle of the gym.

I smiled and waved at them.

'Does anyone have a suggestion for the choreography?' I typed in.

"Well, to make it easier," a girl raised her hand. "How about you teach us yours first? So we can agree on it or not?" she seemed to ask genuinely, so with a nod, I made my way to the front.

The people in the bleachers were too busy to direct their attention at us. But from the other side... I could tell someone else was aware. I felt my heart beat faster.

Calm down.

I held up a finger, signalling the first cheer. I did the steps slowly, hoping they would be able to cope with it. Eventually, after about 10 minutes, they managed to understand.

I held up 2 fingers. The dance was pretty difficult, so it took me a while to think of how to teach it to them.

"We don't have all day." Jiyeon complained. "Come on, Ayumi."

Forcing a smile, I shake my head and held up 3 fingers. Maybe I should teach them the easier cheers first.

Things were going well, until we reached the 7th cheer. It was break time.

"This is so.." one of them spoke up. "Hard to do."

"I agree." another one said. I felt my chest start to ache, but I ignored it. I made my way to my bag and pulled out my pills, drinking it without hesitation.

"Hey," Jimin waved at me from above. An unconscious smile crept up to my lips as I waved back.

"Hello!" Namjoon appeared beside him out of nowhere. "You're doing well, Aya."

I frowned and shook my head.

"You know," Namjoon noticed the uneasiness in my face. "It's not your fault if they don't understand. They might as well do something. They can't just put the burden on you."

I nodded slowly. He was right.. but.. I wasn't an open-minded person.

"And besides," Jimin added, giving me a knowing look as he motioned to the other side of the bleachers. "You have your boyfriend over there."

I gasped and blushed, signing. 'Jimin, stop!'

"Boyfriend?" Namjoon laughed along. "Already? Aish.. you two."

"You two." a teacher mocked Namjoon, her arms crossed. "Practice."

They gave me a cheeky smile, while I let out a soft chuckle and made my way back to the the middle of the gymnasium. The dancers were sitting on the floor, and I motioned them to stand up.

"To be honest, I forgot all of the steps." a girl said. "I don't mean it to be like that, but.. it's just so hard to understand. Do you get me?"

"I mean.. a transferee.. we already got Jiyeon as cheerleader for 3 years straight." they started whispering. I pursed my lips and forced a smile.

My phone buzzed.

From: Yoongi

fuck their opinions, ayumi.

I flushed and slightly turned my head. Yoongi lazily waved from the bleachers. I sighed and put on a smile, urging them to stand up.

"I'm sorry, Ayumi." another one frowned. "But.. it's just very difficult. And the fact that you're not going to be cheering with us just seems so unfair."



A girl stood up. It was Eri. She made her way next to me and scanned the crowd, "Is this how you should treat a fellow dancer? It wasn't her intention to be cheerleader. Every year, the teaches choose the ones that caught their eye."

"I agree." a guy raised his hand. He looked familiar - but I didn't know him.

Eri reassuringly patted my shoulder, "The thing is, Jiyeon, if you want to be cheerleader - you got to do something about it. Just because you were cheerleader for 3 years straight, that doesn't mean you are the next year. Changes happen, and change is somewhat good."

She was so open-minded, I wanted to be like her. My heart started beating faster, did she really have to stand up for me?

"Shut your mouth, Eri." Jiyeon cursed under her breath. "You've heard most complain."

"Then I wouldn't mind teaching you on behalf of her," the guy stood up and jogged over. "She teaches me the steps, then me and Eri teach them to you. Let us be her voice." he turned to me with a bright smile.

"Your complaints don't matter now." Eri waved a hand. "Slack off all you want for now, dancers. Once she's done showing us the steps, you're gonna have to follow."

She smiled at me, and I couldn't help but grin back. I made my way in front of them and bowed.

"Aish, it's okay." the guy clicked his tongue. "Also, I'm Jung Hoseok. This is Kim Eri. And we are your voice!" he did a pose. "Don't worry, we already know you - Moon Lyn Ayumi!"

"Ah, her name's so cute." Eri pouted. "I'm jealous."

"Let's get started!" Hoseok giggled.

"You heard him." Eri shrugged. "Don't worry, we'll be as strict as we can. So.. what was the first move?"

An unconscious smile made it's way to my lips.


New friends, yay! (I already managed to plan everything out till the ending, I have so much time, RIP.)

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