Author has a crush?

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*Ding Ding*


Geno: are Reaper and I concidered a couple?

Me: Yes.

Reaper: you know you love me, Geno~

Geno: I do.

Me: awww! Anyway, on with today's dare! All the couples have to share a milkshake. One milkshake for one couple.

Blue: I like this dare.

Me: Chocolate for Cream. Vanilla for Errink. Lemon for Cherryberry. Strawberry for Afterdeath. Strawberry and Vanilla for Poth. Chocolate and Mint for Starlet. And I think that's everyone.

Asy: Lemon for Cherryberry*laughs*

Blue: I wonder what that tastes like. Lemon milkshake. Only one way to find out!

Fell: yeah. Let's do this.

Me:*gives all the couples their assigned milkshakes*

Blue: this looks amazing!*smiles*

Fell: it does!*sips some at the same time as Blue*

Blue: Yummy!*keeps drinking the milkshake with Fell*

Ink:*smiles and drinks some with Error*

Error:*glitches a bit but drinks it with Ink*

Cross:*drinks it happily with Dream*

Dream:*smiles and drinks it with Cross*

Geno:*drinks it with Reaper*

Reaper:*drinks it with Geno, smiling*

Palette:*drinks it with Goth*

Goth:*drinks it with Palette*

Star:*blushing a lot and looking at Violet while drinking*

Vi:*smiles while drinking*

-after everyone has finished-

Me: okay. Get everyone in here. Now.

Couples:*go and grabs everyone else*

Me: we are having a visitor over for 5 chapters. Everyone must be on their best behaviour.


Me: They're here! Classic, can you get the door?

Classic: sure*goes and opens the door*

???: Hi!

Me: Heya!

???: Sans!*jumps and hugs Classic*

Classic:*blushes and hugs back* Heya kiddo


Frisk: hello Author

Me: Heya Frisk. This is our visitor for 5 chapters. Frisk from undertale. I think that's all for today...

Blue: But I see another ask.

Me:*starts sweating* probably nothing...

Blue: can I read it then?

Me: No!

Fell:*takes my phone off of me* Haha! The ask is does Author have a crush.

Me: hehehehe...I do in fact have a crush...and it's their birthday today...

Blue: CONFESS!!!!

Me:*sighs* no Blue. What if they reject me?

Blue: alright. Next chapter then!

Me:*sighs* Fine. Don't forget to send in Asks and dares but until then...

All: Bye!!


It was the person's birthday when I wrote the chapter. And the person knows exactly who they are. I just wanted to let you know this.

-Author out

Truth or dare the sansesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora