PASSION - it will never go out of fashion

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Sometimes, I'm just looking up at the sky,

While my dreams are looking down at me, telling me, don't be shy.

Don't be afraid to fly.

You were always meant to rise high.

And I ask - Are you serious?

Because to me it sounds a bit hilarious.

Are you telling me dreams can actually come true?

When I have decided to accept life as a plain, colourless hue.

Sometimes, I like to hide in my own world,

Where no one can tell me - my dream isn't worth.

Sometimes, I just sit down and smile,

And accept this journey, people call life.

But then again arises that feeling out of nowhere,

That tells me, I do belong somewhere.

That even if that place is not right here,

It does not mean it cannot exist anywhere.

That tells me I've got to do a lot in my life,

Find hope for myself and for others so that we make it through any strife.

That let the world try to bind this free poetic spirit according to the society's rulebook,

It is I who will have to prove to them - I cannot be kept bound to any hook.

So what I want to say,

Is that success never comes served on a tray.

First, it sends you tests that might make you cry.

But something that you should never stop is to try.

Become so fearless that even a storm won't stop you from daring to fly.

Something that you should never let happen,

Is to let this world with its cruel blows dampen,

Your spirit, will and desire to dream,

Keep going, no matter how hard it may seem.

Because the greatest regret that is possible,

Is to tell yourself later - your dream was impossible.

Is to let go of your passion without even trying,

Because believe me, no one will understand later why you keep crying.

My dream is my priceless possession,

The currency that can never go out of fashion.

So don't ever tell me to part from my dream,

You might as well ask milk never to form cream.

Because it is my journey - something I will complete,

Keep resisting but one day even your restrictions will fail to compete,

With my enthusiasm and zeal; you will realise one day, my passion will never take a backseat,

For it is a one way path I've set upon and I've even ensured emergency exits don't even exist.

So don't try to mess with my dream

Because it is the very foundation on which my life exists.

So if you tell me, my dream is worthless,

I'll tell you, I couldn't care a bit less.

So world, try as hard as you may,

Because you'll not stop, that much even I can say.

So if you want to play this game, let me tell you before - I'm an old player,

Because of this deceit, manipulation and lying, I'm already well aware.

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