Chapter Seven

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We decide to take the cab straight to the graveyard, leaving The Doctor's TARDIS behind, much to his dislike.

"The last time the Angels were here, they tried to take the TARDIS. I don't want them to take it again."

"There's too many people for the Angels to get anywhere near your box," I remind him. "If you're as popular as John makes out, your box will be surrounded by fans. It's them you'll have to worry about."

The cabby remains silent, but I can see his gaze constantly flicking up to the mirror. No doubt he's later going to boast he had the cast of Doctor Who in the back of his cab.

A little later, Martha nudges me. "So what's it like, living with somebody like Sherlock as a dad?" she whispers.

I shrug. "I don't know any different," I admit. "He teaches me little things here and there in the hope that one day I will be as good as him."

"Do you want that though, really?"

I look at her in disbelief. "Why wouldn't I?"

She smiles. "Just so long as its what you want," she says gently before turning back to look out of the window.


We file out of the cab one by one and gather around the entrance to the graveyard, looking in.

"Those statues have moved," I say, almost immediately after I step out of the cab, and point towards the creature.

They all look up, blinking away the dull sunlight. The Angels aren't weeping any more.

"Everyone, keep your eyes fixed on the statues," The Doctor orders, seeming to be more serious then he was before. "If at least one of us is looking at the Angel it can't move - it becomes quantum locked. As long as we're looking at it, it'll remain in stone form."

Silently following The Doctor's orders, we edge around the stone arch and into the graveyard.

"We won't be able to keep our eyes on the Angel from Christine's gravestone," dad remarks, voicing my thoughts.

"No, but if we can lead them to the stone, we might be able to build up enough time energy to open another rift to send them back through."

The others nod, but I catch The Doctor grimace.

"But...?" I prompt, and The Doctor looks to me.

"We'll risk blowing up this universe."

"So no pressure then," John mutters, cursing under his breath.

"The Doctor will sort it," Martha says positively. "He always manages to save us."

"Not this time," he says grimly. "Don't you see? Just a little too much energy and the entire universe is incinerated. A universe with the impossible: two stories combining into one."

"Yeah, but you can do it," Martha insists. "You'll manage it."

I see a flicker of interest in John's eye as he looks over to The Doctor's companion. I thought he was going out with Sarah?

The Doctor sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Let's hope so."

With our joint effort, we're able to hold the Angels off until we reach Christine Blake's gravestone.

"Look," I say, pointing to the stone. "Her son's name has been added recently."

The Doctor steps forward, sliding a pair of rectangular glasses onto his nose as he looks at the stone.

"It looks like they all got taken back to the same year," The Doctor says quietly, and Martha looks over to him.

"The same angel?"

The Doctor nods in agreement. "I would say so, yes."

"So these angels take their victims back in time, but the year differs between each Angel?" I confirm, taking my eyes back off of the Angel.

"Exactly," the Doctor agrees, "Sometimes the Angels can move in space as well but -" he stops short as a crack cuts over his voice, coming from behind.

I whip my head around just before the Angel can get any closer. But dad is gone.

"Sherlock?" I call tentatively. "Sherlock, are you there?" I already know the answer. Footprints matching dad's lead to this clearing, but none lead away. He's gone.

"No no no no no!" The Doctor cries, rushing forward into the empty space. He whirls around, grimacing. "There's nothing I can do. He's gone."

Martha places a comforting hand on my shoulder, but I shake my head. "But you said that we became famous. How can we if he's dead?" I question, but I'm just giving myself false hope. He's not coming back.

"Parallel universes," The Doctor explains quietly. "Some other Sherlock Holmes will become famous now. Someone without a daughter. Would explain why we hadn't heard of you."

"Wait, you said that each individual Angel sends people back to a particular time. If I was to let the Angel touch me, then I would go back to the same time as him. We would be together. That's what you said. "

I catch sight of a gravestone I hadn't noticed before and I break down inside. Swallowing away any tears I step forward, ignoring The Doctor as he tries to reach out to me.

"We don't know it'll work that way," The Doctor says, grabbing my arm and turning me back to face him as John and Martha watch the Angel. "It's taking a massive risk. I won't let you do it."

"I'm not staying here without him," I insist, pulling free.

"Sophie ..." John tries, but words fail him as I shake my head as the words on the stone sink in, and I feel the first tear slip.

"There's room for another name on the stone," I choke. "It's meant for me, surely?" I whip back to The Doctor. "I just have to blink, don't I? Blink and I can be back with him."

John steps over to comfort me, leaving The Doctor and Martha's eyes fixed on the angel. He envelopes me in a warming hug and I cry softly into his jumper.

"I can't let you do that," the Doctor says softly to me. "It'll be very difficult for me to come and rescue you - almost impossible." His eyes narrow in anger at the Angel. "Is this what you like to see? Families torn apart just so you can feed?"

The Doctor's anger is irrational. The statue can't reply, but it makes me feel a little better. My whole world is caving in, although I know dad is probably even safer back in whenever time period he's in.

"It's worth a try," I say quietly. "You said it was almost impossible. How can we get him back?"

The Doctor grits his teeth. "I need something to latch onto. A signal which can pull me through the barrier that'll stop me from landing."

"A message," I nod, slotting that in, "Okay. Thanks, Doctor, thanks for everything. John, look after yourself and Martha, be safe." The trio look at me in alarm. I'm actually doing it. "Goodbye."

I blink, everyone's eyes on me instead of the Angel, and I feel myself falling. Falling into oblivion.

Sophia Holmes and the Mysteries in Stone (Wholock Fanfic) *Completed*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu