part 4

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When i first told him about my pregnancy he actually didnt come home that night. I was feeling so confused with him and kept on asking why does he act like this, isnt this what he want? Then when he came back later he said "Are you really pregnant?, and i just looked at him aghast and wonder.....I actually work 2 hours from my village and its a rural area and only able to see him during weekend. During 20 weeks of my pregnancy I actually happen to be bleeding. At that time my husband really treat me well and cared for me. Ive got a chance to move back to my village because of my threatened pregnancy. My husband is a technician and stop working during my pregnancy and he begs me to get another loan because he want to venture in a business. So i did it, i get the loan for him. During the time when my husband just starting his business he actually involve in an accident and one month after that i discover him got a 1 month old son, out of wedlock with a philippines woman.

I noticed that his behaviour change and he always screaming on the phone, like a quarrel between spouse. I asked and he told me it was this aunt who he actually borrowed some money and she insist on him paying the money. Then one day ive got a chance, he was sleeping in the bedroom and i open his phone and read sms between him and this woman. It literally broke my heart

Me : This is Ian's wife, who is this
Her : Why dont you ask him.

And then the conversation continue and she told me that they already know each other for quite a long time ( According from my husband they already knew each other about 2 years at that time ) when i was studying at another city.

Her : So im a woman who threatened your relationship?
Me : Well it takes 2 people to form a relationship ( meaning its not entirely her fault alone, its also my asshole husband )

I stop texting her and gather all my things, i feel like there was something free from my heart. Maybe its the feeling of finally knowing why the changes in him, because its so obvious and i just couldn't stand it anymore.
I call my cousin and told her to get me...after I finished packing all my things I woke him up.

Me: Who is this?
Him : I can explained...

And then he try to touch me but I just pushed him away and told him that he disgust me so much and i dont want him to touch me, he beg and beg and beg.

Him : Please at least listen to my story first.
Me: Okay

We actually sat outside the house around 1 am and he told me about the story of Aira, his mistress. He said that its happen a week (if im not mistaken) after i left to another town. He met her at the pub and she appeared to be crying. It all started with a drunkard scene and his friends actually manage to get a hotel for both of them and they only manage to wake up and notice that both of them are naked and that Aira actually hit him. While listening to this i feel like im flying, my mind is sound but i dont know how to act.

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