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I lived in a small town near the sea, it was a peace place where many sailors would rest before returning to the vast ocean. I had lived here my whole life, surrounded by people who left often. When my brother was old enough he too left and became a sailor. I stayed at home and began working at the family bakery with my mother. When I was 16 my parents passed away. Now I am 19 and I anxiously wait my brothers return.

I sigh as look in the mirror, my eyes were dark and my hair was a mess. I look less and less like my mother with each passing day. My blue eyes had lost their glimmer after the funeral but my brown hair did still hold its natural curl. I clean myself up and change into my bar maid dress, I had the night shift tonight. As I head out I decide to walk along the wall near the port, counting the boats. Four new ones and three have left. None are my brother's. I frown and turn down the path wishing a good evening to some.

I approach the pub, my mind focusing on the busy atomsphere as I squeeze past sailors in many uniforms. Luckily I manage to escape the crowd and take my place near the bar. "Natalia! Four pints for table nine!" Laurence shouts to me as I take my tray. The drinks are cool and feel heavy as I worm my way to table nine. Four gentlemen are seated talking to themselves. They take no notice of me as I place their drinks down and silently walk away. As I arrive back at the bar, I catch the gaze of a young man watching me. His hair was dark black with ribbons and other charms tangled into it. His eyes danced over me before a soft smile crept onto his face. I scowl under my breath and continue my work. The night went on and many left completely drunk. As I return to the bar for the last time I sigh heavily and rub my head. "Tired lass?" A calm voice calls to me. I turn and notice the man from earlier still at his seat.

Rolling my eyes, I bid a good night to Laurence before heading out. My footsteps were echoed as he too followed me out. I quickened my pace attempting to reach my home quickly. It wasn't long before I was running, a crazy dash to my safe place. As I reach the comfort of my house I slam the door and pant softly closing the door. "Stupid girl, why did you panic?" I mutter to myself as I catch my breath, my chest calming itself like a horse stopping. Then, there was a Sharp knock from behind me, no behind the door. A calm voice spoke through the wood. "That's no way to treat a sailor is it now,lass?" I cover my mouth in slight shock and slide down the door. Why was he here? There's no way a man like that is a sailor! No sailor would follow a young girl home! Then it hits me like burst of wind from the sea, he was no sailor. He must be a pirate. The braids, the charm, the lack of a uniform. How could I be so foolish?

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