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Graysons pov

She ran upstairs leaving me and Cameron.
"Cameron, we need to talk."
"I told you. You made a big mistake, and im mad at you for hurting her."
"You dont get it do you." I ran upstairs and tried opening Aylas room but it was locked.
"Please open the door." She just ignored me.
"She doesn't talk to me or listen to me. I told you." She didnt say anything again. I stormed downstairs.
"Because you wont talk to me she wont either now. Thank a lot." I went to the backyard and sat on the grass.
"What's going on dude." Ethan asked comeing outside.
"Ayla said she wont talk to me until I tell cam were back together, but cam doesn't listen to me anymore."
"You need to talk to Cameron."
"I know that!" Ethan left and five minutes later cam came out.
"What do you want cam."
"Ethan said you have to talk to me or it will ruin your life."
"It will cam!"
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
"You! You dont listen to me or talk to me anymore and because of that ayla wont talk to me anymore!"
"She shouldn't, you cheated."
"Thats exactly it. You dont listen. Me and ayla are back together, shes been happy ever since we got together. But she wont talk to me because of you."
"Grayson, im so sorry." She tried hugging me but I stepped back.
"Sorry isn't helping. I lost her again because of you. She was my everything cam, and now she wont talk to me." I walked back inside and tried going upstairs but Ethan grabbed my arm.
"Talk to ayla."
"Let go of me." He did and I ran upstairs but I ignored Aylas room and ran to mine. Ethan came in.
"Cams gone now."
"Good. This is her fault."
"You havnt talked to ayla."
"How do you know?"
"Because I just talked to her and she was crying." I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
"You dont care about her, do you."
"How dare you say that Ethan! I love her with all my heart, shes my everything! I didnt ask for this!"
"Neither did she! Shes crying because even she thinks you dont care about her. I tried telling her you told cam but she said she only will listen to you. You might want to talk to her." He left and I walked to her room.
"Ayla? Please open the door." She opened it and looked at me. I could tell Ethan was telling the truth, her eyes are red I can tell she was crying.
"I told Cameron, and she left. Ethan told me you were crying. Why would you ever think I didnt care about you?"
"You wouldn't talk to her about me and you being together again. I felt like you didnt want to tell her because you didnt care if I ignored you."
"I do care, I care so much about you. I hate when you ignore me and I hate when I hurt you or when you cry. But cam wouldn't let me get a single word out, so Ethan told her to go outside because it would ruin my life and it would. I cant loose you anymore." She hugged me and I hugged back.
"Im sorry for thinking you didn't care about me."
"Its ok." All of a sudden one of the puppies ran in her room along with Jake.
"Nate accidentally kicked the cage." He said as he picked up the puppy and walked back downstairs. I looked on her bed and saw her sketchbook meaning she drew something.
"Can I see what you drew?"
"Huh?" She looked behind her and saw her sketchbook.
"N-no." She said nervously. I walked towards her sketchbook and she grabbed it.
"Why are you hiding it from me."
"Y-you wouldn't think I-its a g-good drawing."
"All your drawings are good."
"N-not this o-one."
"You seem scared to show me. What's going on?"
"Ok." I left and went downstairs.

Aylas pov

He left and I was a little relieved, he cant see what I drew because it was when I thought he didnt care about me.

He left and I was a little relieved, he cant see what I drew because it was when I thought he didnt care about me

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I put my sketchbook on my bed and went downstairs

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I put my sketchbook on my bed and went downstairs. We all watched a movie and I fell asleep during the movie. I woke up in my bed, I went downstairs and everyone looked at me and then Grayson.
"What?" Grayson walked towards me.
"Ayla, I need to you something."
"Ok." I said confused.
"I um, I looked in your sketchbook. I know I disrespected your privacy but Im sorry. Please dont be mad."
"Im um, im not mad. Im just upset." I walked outside because when im sad I go on a walk.
"Why would he do that? Why would he disrespect my privacy? I told him not to look at it. I trusted him. He knows thats a big a deal because i have trust issues. I just dont get it. But im not mad. I cant loose him again. Im just upset he would do that to me." I thought as I was walking.

Graysons pov

"Dude, you need to stop Messing up."
"Shes not mad at least."
"But shes upset."
"I know. Im upset with myself."
"Because you disrespected her privacy?"
"That, and because I made her feel like she doesn't matter and that I dont care about her. She was heartbroken yesterday." I sat at the counter for a couple minutes when ayla walked in. I ran to her.
"Please dont be upset with me."
"Grayson, you invaded my privacy. You have to make it up to me. You know I have trust issues and I trusted you."
"I know, but im more sorry for breaking your heart yesterday." She just ignored me and went upstairs but I followed.
"Stop Grayson."
"Please forgive me. You can trust me I promise." She turned around to face me.
"If I give you one more chance, are you going to do this again?"
"No I promise."
"Fine, but if I find out you do this again, no more chance's."

The Boy Next Door G.D.        {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now