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Aylas pov

I woke up in my bed by summer shaking me.
"Wake up."
"What?" I sat up.
"I need to tell you something but dont get mad."
"Promise." I smile.
"I signed us up for a dance competition this Friday, aka, three days." I hugged her.
"Of course. I would love to do it."
"Ok, we have to practice."
"Wait, does everyone else know?"
"Yeah. It was their idea."
"Ok. Cool, we can practice now." I got out of bed and we went to the basement to practice.
"There are three rounds and four groups. So we need a group name and three dances."
"Ok, but I dont know a team name."
"What about team Friendz. Like with a z?"
"Sure I dont really care." We practiced our dances and we were flawless.
"Hey, what about Team Flawless?"

-------- skip to Friday (sorry I couldnt write up to that)---------------------------

We were at the dance and everyone was backstage with us. Me and summer were putting on our outfits. (pictures below)

(without the bag and they have loose hair) they called out team name and we went out and they played the music and we did our routine

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

(without the bag and they have loose hair) they called out team name and we went out and they played the music and we did our routine.

And then we went backstage when we were done.
"And the teams moving to round two are! TEAM WOBBLE TEAM CUT AND TEAM FLAWLESS!" We were all happy. When they called our names again we went out and did our second dance.

When we finished I went back and I wasnt feeling ok and Grayson noticed something was wrong.
"Are you ok? You dont look so good."
"No, no I'm fine, just a stomach ache."
"And the teams moving on are. TEAM WOBBLE AND TEAM FLAWLESS!" me and summer were so happy. When they called us for the last dance we went on and did the last dance.

When we were done we went back and i was feeling worse. I went up to Grayson and he looked worried.
"AND OUR WINNING TEAM IS. TEAM FLAWLESS!" Summer was jumping up and down but I was with Grayson.
"I, I dont feel well."
"What do you mean?"
"I-I'm dizzy." My eyes were closing.
"Shit." Grayson was tapping my cheeks to keep me awake.
"Ayla, its her breathing."
"Shit, ill tell Ethan." She ran off.
"Its ok, just stay awake."

Graysons pov

Cameron walked over to us.
"What's wrong?"
"Its her breathing, I need to keep her awake or she will pass out."
"Oh, do you want me to do anything?"
"No but I have to take her home, you guys finish up here."
"Ok." I helped Ayla to the truck making sure she was awake. When we go t home I put her on the couch.
"Just calm down."
"I'm trying." Her breathing slowly went back to normal.
"What happened?"
"I dont know, I think I was just worried about seeing Dylan."
"Why would you be worried?"
"Because I haven't seen him in 4 years and the last time I saw him he said I was just a mistake that mom and dad made." When she said that my heart melted, why would anyone say that to her.
"Its ok, your not a mistake, your the most amazing girl I've ever met." I hugged her and kissed her forehead.
"Can you get me some water?"
"Sure." I went to the kitchen and came back with water.
"Everyone is going to back soon, I should tell Cameron your ok."
"Sure, ill be right back I want to show you something" she ran upstairs and I phoned Cameron.
"Yeah bro?"
"Just telling you that Aylas ok."
"Good, summer was getting worried. We will be back in like 2 minutes."
"Ok bro, see ya." I hung up and Ayla came down with her sketchbook.
"What did you draw now?" I smile.
"I drew a picture, but I want to know if you think its good." She handed me the book.

The Boy Next Door G.D.        {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now