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Aylas pov

I sat beside Grayson and they started filming.
"So in today's video we have a special guest. AYLA!" I waved to the camera and went on my phone for a quick second, it was only me Ethan and Grayson at the house.
"So, I havnt told Grayson or Ayla what we are doing today. Ok both of you had out one of your hands."
"Ok." I said confused. Me and Grayson did so and Ethan took us by surprise by handcuffing our hands together.
"Give me the key."
"Sorry, dont know where it is." He ran away. I took out my phone and called summer.
"Hey Hoe what's up?"
"We have problem."
"What happened?"
"Your little brat Ethan, handcuffed me and Grayson together."
"Just come home, he said he doesn't know where the key is."
"Fine." She hung up.
"I dont know what to do." I went on my snap chat and got a snap from Summer. I looked at Grayson and he took a picture while I was on my phone. I leaned over and put my chin on his shoulder.
"Why did you take a picture of me?"
"For insta."
"But I look horrible." I pouted.
"You look amazing." I sighed.
"Fine, you can post it." I turned around and went back on my phone. I saw in the corner of my eye Grayson was taking another picture, I chuckled, put my phone down and looked at him.
"Your taking another picture of me."
"You looked so adorable, I couldnt help it."
"Give me the phone."
"Fine, but dont look through my pictures, its embarrassing."
"Now I want to see those pictures, gimmy."
"Please dont."
"Fine." I had my fingers crossed behind my back, he handed me his phone.
"I had my fingers crossed." I stuck my tongue out at him and went on his phone, he started reaching for it but I held it away from him. I looked through his pictures and my smile went away, I didnt frown but I had a still face. Once he saw me look at them he stopped reaching for his phone. There were a bunch of pictures of me that I didnt even know he took. I turned to face him and gave him a look of confusion.
"Pictures of me?" He sighed.
"When did you take these?"
"A while ago."
"But why? I'm not mad I promise."
"I dont know, you looked adorable and I wanted to remember it." I looked back at the phone, there were so many and suddenly a smile formed on my face.
"Can I have my phone back?" I handed him his phone and he took a picture of me and I chuckled. I took his phone and put it next to mine.
"Lets get to know eachother."
"What about 21 questions?"
"Do you have any siblings?"
"Not biological."
"Are you mad I looked through your photos?"
"Mad, never. Embarrassed, definitely."
"Why are you embarrassed?"
"Well, no one has seen them. Out of everyone, I didnt want you to see them since there of you."
"I have to be honest, I have couple pictures of you on my phone you didnt know I took."
"Well lets get back to the game. We played the game for about five minutes and then summer came in.
"Summer! Were in the kitchen!" When she saw the handcuffs she laughed.
"Just go find the key."
"Okie Dokie." She went upstairs and came down down two minutes later with the key. She unlocked the handcuffs and everyone came in.
"Were watching a movie." I ran to the couch but Logan beat me. He rays sitting facing the opposite side of the couch with his knees up and I was laying on his knees.
"Can I have your phone for a second?"
"Sure." Logan handed me his phone and I typed the password.
"How do you know my password?"
"I'm magic." I went through his photos and found a funny one with me summer and him in it, I showed it to him.
"Send this to me."
"Ill be right back." I got up to get my phone and when I got back summer stole my spot. I sat next to Grayson and went on my phone with my knees up. I saw Grayson took a picture of me in the corner of my eye but I ignored it and smiled. After an hour everyone went to bed and it was just me and Grayson, I was laying down and my legs were on Grayson's lap and we were both on our phones. I secretly took a picture of Grayson and i guess he saw me because he grabbed my phone.
"Hey. That my phone." I pouted sitting up.
"I want to see the picture you just took of me."
"I, didnt." I said nervously. He looked at me with his eyebrow raised and showed the picture of him I just took.
"What's this then?"
"Nothing." I say quickly and grab my phone laying back down. He chuckled and went on his phone.
"Ill be right back." I got up and went upstairs, i grabbed my sketchbook and a pencil and went back downstairs. I leaned over the couch near Grayson.
"Look." I handed him my sketchbook with a picture open of him that i drew.

" I handed him my sketchbook with a picture open of him that i drew

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Wow, thats amazing."
"I drew it last night."
"Why do you me, out of everyone else?"
"I dont know actually, I was just thinking and you came to mind."
"Well its amazing. Think you can draw another?"
"Sure, I just need something to look at. You can pose or give me a picture to draw."
"Can you draw this?" He handed me his phone with a picture from his snap chat.
"Yeah, just wait while I draw." I took the phone and sat on the couch and drew. After about 30 minutes I finished. I leaned on Grayson's shoulder and showed him the drawing.

 I leaned on Grayson's shoulder and showed him the drawing

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"You like it?"
"I dont like it, I love it."
"Its easy when you have something to look at." I smile.
"Where did you learn to draw like this?"
"I've been drawing since I was little."
"I can tell, your amazing."
"I'm going to go to bed." I got up.
"I should to." We both walked upstairs and went to sleep.

The Boy Next Door G.D.        {COMPLETED}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat