😈 Chapter 20 😈

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My evening was like the usual- well, what I am now doing in the evenings; which is partying with Zac.

Zac's the only person I talk to now, well the only person when I'm sober.

Anyways I woke up to my alarm and grabbed what I needed.

Today I was going to escape this fucking hell hole.

So, I got changed then I grabbed the gun and stashed it in bag; I also grabbed my box and ran out the front door.

I then walked to the school, savouring the peaceful breeze and greenery.

I eventually made it to the gates and continued to walk up to the stairs.

Once I got to the top of the stairs, I was pushed over by Bianca.

"Stop getting in my way, bitch!" She said.

She then walked off, every person (including Josie and lily.) spat on me as they walked passed.

I stood up and tried to shake off their spit.

Once I did that, I grabbed the box and walked into the school.

As soon as I walked into the school, I was smacked.

I looked at the person who did it but was shocked to see that it was Luke, "bitch!" He said.

Him slapping me stung, not because he's a guy but because he's one of the only people I trusted for years!

I just closed my eyes and tried to think of happy thoughts, but to no avail I couldn't.

I walked passed him and ran to the girls toilets.

I locked myself in one of the stalls and cried.

Why do I have to live such a shitty life?!

Why is it that no one wants to hear me out?! Why don't they want to hear the truth?!

I sobbed some more.

Fucking fake ass friends.

Fucking shitty family.

Fucking hell of a school.

I'm just a fucking disappointment!

My thoughts were interrupted by the school bell.

I walked out my stall and grabbed ahold of one of the sinks.

I dropped my bag as well as the box onto the floor.

I slowly brung my head up and looked in the mirror.

If I'm being honest, I don't know who this girl is anymore.

She's broken and vulnerable, something I'm not.

She has puffy eyes and untamed hair, it's like she doesn't care anymore; every last ounce of hope has now been obliterated!

She's empty and has no warmth.

She's unloved and she has knows it.

Alicia: The girl who wasn't expecting this ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant