😈 Chapter 2 😈

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Ahhhh! Fucking school, fucking hell more like.

Me and Josie had finally made it to hell, jk it's school. Jk! What the actual fuck is happening to me! That's it, fucking Josie and her 'best buds' did this to me, sticking slang into my precious head.

We walked towards the huge wooden doors, well Josie did (I was being pulled along.).

And as you can tell I don't give one flying fuck about this pathetic excuse for a school.

Anyways we walked into the big building to be greeted by long corridors and TEENS! I don't care what you fucking say but I HATE TEENS with a fucking passion. I know what your thinking, "but aren't you a teen?". Well aren't you the next fucking Sherlock Holmes, of course I'm a bloody teen! But I hate everything about us! Let me show you:

You have the almighty ladder of popularity and god forbid if you crossed your boundaries, like if Josie were to hang out with a 'nerd' then that would be unacceptable; you know what I mean like what every single fucking school does.

So the ladder goes from:
Nobodies - the people who are all alone, meaning they are obviously at the bottom.

Then there's the hippies- yer I know shocker! I'm sure you would have thought 'geeks' and 'nerds' are here but you are wrong, fucking high ass tree huggers! I think that answers that.

Then there's the 'nerds' and the 'geeks'- I don't fucking care what you say, these are the fucking same! They are both very smart and have a higher IQ than the whole school combined, reason being they are the 'nerds' and the 'geeks'. They only stick with their small friend groups which is why they aren't at the top, plus they are full of flaws so nah.

Then there's every other group in the middle- these are the people no one gives two shits about. They basically make up the majority of the school.

Then there's the wannabes- these shit bags are utter dickheads. They are huge suck ups to the populars and are like the minions.

Then somehow I'm here- I am the 'bad girl' at the school which gives me my own category. I know I'm special as fuck! Basically the reason I'm this high up the ladder is because A. My best friend and 'friends' are populars. B. I'm mysterious and everyone loves to try and crack this bitch open.

Then low and behold the populars- the image of utter perfection. And the reason every single fucker in every single school feels like an ugly ass being, compared to these shit heads. But everyone loves them because fuck knows!

That pretty much sums up the utter shit of school life and how shit teens really are.

Now based back on reality, me and Josie were now walking to our lockers to get ready for the first lesson of today, I wish it was fucking home- but we can only dream that would actually fucking happen.

Once I collected the graffitied books for biology in my grasp, the bell rang. I walked to class alongside Josie ready to now finish the lesson.

I sat at my seat which thank fuck was right next to the window at the back of the class, Josie sitting to my right.

The lesson had begun, with miss. Whatever her fucking names called talking some fucking nonsense. Whilst I just sat there bored to fucking death.

I turned to my right to see Josie staring at me- or she had zoned out but I wouldn't fucking know.

Then Josie spoke, "hey Ali." Trying to get my attention, whilst whispering.

"Yer." I whispered back.

"I don't know I just hate not being able to talk." She whispered.

Alicia: The girl who wasn't expecting this ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat