😈 Chapter 15 😈

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I sighed as I stared out of the ice cream parlours window.

My life is such a fucking mess!

There's nothing I can do though.

I can't bring my father back, I can't have my same Josie back, I just can't have anything!

I came out of my thoughts by someone coughing; and by someone I mean Luke.

I looked in front of me and smiled when I saw Luke; who was currently devouring his large ice cream.

He caught me staring and smiled in my direction.

What I saw made me giggle.

"What?" Luke asked whilst chuckling.

I pointed at his nose, "you've got a bit of ice cream there." I said.

He then wiped the tip of his nose and chuckled.

"It's nice to talk to you again." I said with sincerity.

"Well, it's nice to see that smile of yours again." Luke countered.

I smiled.

Then we just continued to eat our ice creams in the pure bliss of silence.

I was so concentrated on my ice cream that I didn't even realise that there was someone standing next to me.

"Hey Alicia."

I turned around and was met with ocean blue eyes.

"Hey?" I said confused.

"I'm Zac, we've met before." He said.

I tried to think, and then it clicked.

"Your the guy from the shop." I said in realisation.

"Yep." Zac said with a dashing smile.

Zac then looked over to Luke; who sat opposite me.

"Is this your boyfriend?" He asked.

I shook my head vigorously, "No, he's my best friend." I said whilst giving Luke a smile.

Luke did smile back, but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"So, you two know each other?" Luke asked.

"Yer, he helped me pick out the dress for the party." I explained.

"Ah! You have a fine taste in fashion." Luke said to Zac.

"Thank you." Zac said with a slight nod of the head.

Zac then turned towards me, "is it alright if I take you somewhere?" He asked.

I smiled, "well, as long as you don't kill me."

Zac then let out a slight chuckle, "wouldn't have thought about it."

I then turned to Luke, "is it okay with you?" I asked.

Luke then looked to the ground before looking back up to me, "sure, I mean your entitled to be able to fuck up your life as much as you want." Luke said before storming off.

I had to rub my eyes a few times to make sure that what I was hearing was real.

Zac then sat where Luke just was, "are you okay?" He asked.

I looked up to him and could feel the tears build up.

I couldn't let them slip.

Alicia: The girl who wasn't expecting this ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora