Begining Of A New Order

Start from the beginning

Raina could feel the Force flowing around her. The room was strong with it. It seemed to make the plants flourish.

Luke stood slightly behind Raina, watching her reaction.

She turned to him. "What is this place?" Raina asked with a smile.

He walked up next to her. "This is called the room of a thousand fountains. I found this room while exploring the temple and. . .well it was bad. Everything was dead and lifeless. I later read about this place and found that the Jedi used it as a place of meditation a way to relax. The Force was always strong and in motion here. It seemed once the Empire came, they tried to destroy it along with everything else. I thought we should have a place like this." Luke explained.

"I think it's wonderful. It's. . .unbelievable! The Force is very strong here." She commented.

Luke nodded in agreement. "I know. Its. . . intoxicating. I still have more to show you. Come with me."

About an hour later Luke had shown Raina the meditation chapel, holographic training area, gyms, dorm rooms, meditation balconies, data and planing stations, starfighter hangers, surface vehicle garages, communication control room, training rooms, Jedi archives, ancient texts, banquet hall, medical center, and other main class rooms that weren't completely ready yet.

He also showed her rooms in the spires he was still working on. The hall of knighthood, the council of reconciliation room, which he wasn't sure that his order would have, and the Jedi high council room.

They came to the roof of the temple and found a beautiful quiet garden with a small tree in the middle. Though it was small, it was incredibly strong in the Force so much so that as soon as they entered Raina noticed the tree first before anything else.

"That tree. . ." She began.

Luke interrupted. "Its strong with the force, I know. I found this tree on the mission I went on right after Endor. It's a force sensitive tree. There are only two of them and I have one." He explained pointing to the tree.

Raina nodded. "Wow. That's amazing. Well is that it?" She asked.

Luke smiled. "Not quite, but basically."

She smiled back. "What else have you thought of?" She asked with a laugh.

He chuckled. "I can show you the last thing if you'd like me to."

"Yes I would."

He smiled. "Good. I was actually saving the best for last."

Luke grabbed her hand and walked with her all the way across the temple to a room in the front on the twelfth floor. There were two doors.

He gestured to the one at the end of the hall.

"That is my room. And this one. . ." Luke unlocked the door and opened it. ". . .is yours."

The door opened and he turned the lights on. It was a room with a bed, a bathroom, a closet, a couch, some chairs, and a table.

Raina smiled widely. "I can live here?"

Luke nodded.
"Of course. Your a Jedi. This is your new home."

Raina was so happy she couldn't bare it. She turned and hugged him quickly without warning. He cleared his throat making her stop and back away blushing.

"Thank you, Luke."

"Your welcome,"

"Well your actually doing it. Your building the New Order." Raina mused.

He nodded. "I am."

"You know soon you'll have to start looking for new padawan." Raina told him.

Luke nodded tiredly. "I know, but first I must finish your training."

Raina nodded in agreement.

Luke continued with a guilty look.
"I'm sorry we haven't trained like we should have, but now I'm all yours."

Raina blushed at his wording. "It's fine. Although I can't wait to begin again." She said.

"We'll start immediately, but first I'll let you get moved in."

She nodded. "Alright and thank you again."

He shook his head in dismissal. "I didn't do it just for you. I want you here. This is as much your home now, as it is mine." He smiled.

She nodded and smiled at him. "Yes master."

Luke rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Come on. Let's go get your things."

She laughed and followed him out.

Sorry for the bad chapter. I've been on vacation for the past week and haven't been able to write. The next chapter will be much better. Also I'm starting school this week and it is my senior year. The chapters may be out a little later than usual because of this, but always keep an eye out for updates! Luv you guys!!😘😘

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