Chapter 17

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Above is Ashabellanar Tavers for those who may have not read The Fall of Revan. She's the beauty who haunts Revan's dreams.

Sitting at their usual bar on Coruscant, Revan sips his ale while listening to Canderous reminisce about their adventures during the Jedi Civil War. It's times like these he can relax. Away from the confines of the Jedi Temple, not that he and Bastila often participate.

"I have a favor to ask friend," he finally says, gaining a rue grin from the Mandalorian.

"I figured as much. Something's been on your mind of late."

"I need to go to Onderon."

"For?" Canderous places his elbows on the table.

"I've...," I've not told even Bastila this yet. "I've been haunted by fragmented memories of late. Of a redheaded Jedi from my past and a young Padawan. She's been in my dreams for months, but I never seen her face or have remembered her name til now."

"She meant something to you, this Jedi."

Opening his mouth, Revan hesitates then nods. "I... Yes. Asha, that was her name. I think... I think I may have cared deeply for her. These visions of mine, they appear from throughout my life, so I must've trained with her. Gone to war with her."

"You've seen this?" Canderous raises a brow in disbelief.

"I dreamt of Duxon earlier. I could see myself, feel my fear of not reaching them in time," he mutters into his glass. Taking a sip, Revan raises his eyes to meet the Mandalorian's. "She was an artist on the field, I've not met her equal. The way she wielded her duel blades is extremely unique. She was swarmed by a group of Mandalorians, but they were no match. The boy, Vidar was gifted too. He was her Padawan I think... a Mandalorian." This gets Canderous's full attention, causing him to put his own drink down. "His pain and confusion were blatant. I could sense his misguided feeling of betrayal for fighting his own. His unease at serving the Jedi, whom only months ago were his enemy. His relief at my arrival after I'd just watched him slay one of our comrades was palatable. After witnessing it..." his voice slightly wavers. "I felt no unease. I still trusted him."

"He's Mandalorian, you're certain?"

"Yes," Revan affirms with a nod. "A man named Ferox brought him to me, I..."

"Mandalore the Ultimate's Jedi son?" Canderous stiffens, "That Ferox!?"

"Perhaps, I only remember thinking he'd been the boy's Master for years. That he'd faltered in his form because I instructed him to return to his Master." Pausing Revan's brow creases and he pauses to take another drink. "She may have been Mandalorian too, I'm not sure. In my dreams, I've heard Mandalorian words from them both, used them myself. Words I'm not familiar with, not any longer at least. The boy for instance, when he faltered I instructed him to return to his buir."

Shaking his head, Canderous fold his arms. "That can't be right, are you positive?"

"Yes, why?" Revan frowns, sensing his unease in the Force.

"It means a parent, you instructed him to return to his mother."

Frowning, Revan stirs his drink with a twist of his wrist while losing himself in thought. "In a dream weeks ago, Asha revealed to me she was with child. We were at war and she... was begging me not to go through with something, using the Shadow Generator on Malacor 5, I suspect. It felt ominous... she feared the deaths of many, foresaw it in one of her visions. She was terrified for Vidar's life and that of her unborn child. She... called me Riddur." He admits, causing Canderous to spit his ale as his communicator unexpectedly goes off. Turning his gaze towards it, Revan nods. It's important, he can sense it through the Force.

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