Mothers Prologue

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At a very young age, I was given a choice. I was given the choice to die or watch the world suffer.

Yes, a very blunt origin story. I won't get much into the details, not like I'd remember it. Hell, I don't even remember my name. What I do know is that it was a very long and confusing week for me.

So, how would someone get into such a predicament? I remember I was a child of a very bad company. This very bad company was destroying the precious earth. That caused people that were once innocent bystanders into tainted creatures.

I didn't ask to be born with such selfish parents but I was. I'm just glad that everything turned out okay.

Of course, other than my death.

But out of death, comes life.


A/N I hope you like the book! If you do, vote or comment on my chapters, they give me inspiration to write more! I intend for future chapters to be longer this is just the introduction to her character.

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