
Dusk fell and Amelia, Julius and Giovanni headed back to Kira's nest.

"She's recovering quite nicely. By this time tomorrow she will be good as new" Julius signed. Amelia frowned "but after knowing what has happened to her tribe, I doubt she would sit still until tomorrow"

Giovanni moved the vines that covered Kira's room and sighed

"you may be right about that Amelia"

In Kira's room lay an empty nest with the patches of herbal leaves on the floor. The bow and arrows that lay beside the nest disappeared.

Amelia shrieked and Julius suddenly signed

"has anyone seen Ryker and Livius?"


Jumping and swinging through trees had always been my favorite. Now, each time I made a wrong move I felt pain on my side.

"The females should be just around this corner"

I spotted a small campfire and a few scouts surrounding the females and young.

I stopped, Cornelius lay asleep in the arms of Amy and Livius looked at me "it will be okay sis. We're here for you" I smiled before walking towards them.


The apes scouting around the clearing saw a human walking towards them and they raise their spears and arrows to shoot when hoots coming from that direction came.

The fog cleared and the scouts looked like they saw a ghost. Kira walked towards them with a confident stride as she neared the camp. The females noticed her and they backed away in fear.

Amy looked and saw Kira and she took a step back.

Its not Kira.

Just a figment of their imagination.

But as the figure came closer the more solid she became.

Cornelius hooted with joy when he saw his mother and squirmed his way towards Kira.

The apes tense when the little prince crawled to his "dead" mother. Kira smiled and opened her palm for Cornelius to take.

Cornelius gave a cacophony of happy noises and clung onto his mother.

The apes gave a series of happy and confused hoots while the scouts eyed Kira warily.

Ryker signed to them "your queen and king were shot by Koba!" Stunned hoots reached their ears.

"But he said humans did it"

"Doesn't mean humans actually did it"

"They burned our home!"

"You SAW them run away from the fire but when the fire started, were they with you or not?"

Silence greeted them and they knew the mistake they had made for trusting Koba.


I felt like a huge spear just got straight to my organs at the mention of our home being burned down.

"I need you all to think that I am still dead. Make him think he won then, we'll have the element of surprise"

The apes hooted in agreement. I handed Cornelius to Amy and she smiled at me.

Ryker and Livius hooted, signaling a lone scout was coming.

I waved goodbye and they gave me hoots of encouragement as we disappeared into the mist.


Running towards the human city was like running towards a graveyard. I scanned the area and saw a huge tower, filled with lights.

"I spot apes" Ryker signed. I nodded and we ran towards the human tower.

We raced up to the top, making sure we weren't spotted and I saw and heart the apes hooting wildly in confusion.

I frowned when I saw they were looking at somebody. I blame the ledge that was blocking my view.

"Who the heck are they hooting at?" Livius asked. Ryker shrugged and I wanted to climb up and see when I saw Koba making his way down.

I tensed as he looked forward, hate swimming in his eyes.

"Caesar...has..no place...here" I think I stopped thinking once I heard my dead husband's name.


But isn't he dead?

"Apes..follow..Koba now"

Over my dead body are they gonna follow you!

I felt my heart stop beating and my blood circulating when a smooth, rough voice spoke.

"Follow Koba...to war"

"Apes Win War!"

I took a chance and climbed up to take a peek. Koba walked towards Caesar with an air of confidence as if he was the leader.

"Apes Together Strong!!!"

Anger filled me, those were Caesar's words not his.



I held back a breath when Caesar spoke as if he was taunting him.


It didn't take long before a loud roar came and the fight for the position of alpha begin.

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