Chapter 19

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Harrys POV:

The day's nearing an end now and we've checked all the places we can think of, "Harry what are we gonna do? I don't want to assume he's going to do what we think he's going to do to her but what if he already has.." Louis says from beside me where we lean against a brick wall, "I'll kill him." "Would you really do that Haz?" "Yeah I would." "Well I guess I'll be by your side mate." "You bet your ass you will be." I say through a laugh and he cracks up. "Where else do you think they'd take the girls?" we hear Liam question as he jogs up to us with Zayn right behind him, "I don't know a family members house or something like that, maybe an old friends house." "Yeah okay well who do y'all think he'd go to?" Zayn asked, "Umm his dads house or his moms house maybe, and as for friends houses I have no clue other than Tanners old house that he had before him and Dylan got the flat they were at last time and we've already checked there." "Okay well that's a start, lets check his parents houses then Tanners old place." Louis said, "Okay yeah we'll all go together so lets get in Harrys car." Liam said and we did so. "Okay so here we go, Ya know what they say three is the magic number so it has to be one of these three." I say and let out a shaky laugh, "It'll be one of these mate just hold on a bit longer." Lou said and patted my shoulder. "I hope so, lets get going." I say and we head for one of the three houses.

Emmilias POV:

"Don't cry Emmilia.. I'll give a reason to those tears." "Oh my gosh how is that supposed to make me not want to cry more?!" I say and flinch to get away and I hit him by accident and he lets go of me, my nails scratched his face when I flinched and they cut him. I ran for the door but I get pulled back by my arm and spun around so I was now facing him, his right cheek has blood running down it and the look he has now is down right terrifying. He grabs me by my upper arms and shoves me backward and I stumble and roll backward across the bed and my head hits the night stand. My vision goes a little blurry from the blow to my head then next thing I know Nialls hand goes over my mouth and he pushes a pill in my mouth. "Swallow!" He demands as he pours water in my mouth the covers my mouth again. I shake my head but he only yells for me to swallow it again, and of course I start crying even more, just then he hits my stomach and I winced and swallowed the pill. "Oh shit." I whisper and look up at Niall who now has a smile spreading across his face. He grabs my legs and pulls me down on the bed, he takes my glasses and throws them God knows where then he ties my arms to the bedframe and I begin to get very weak, he then gets up and goes off for about five minutes then comes back the whole time I've been struggling to stay awake, then the last thing I see is Niall standing by the bed and I hear a knock at the door.


I wake up and try to move but can't, "Ugh my arms..ughhh my head." I look down and I look the same as I did when I went out of it. My vision is still slightly blurry considering I don't have my glasses but from what I can tell I look the same. Niall is nowhere to be seen or heard so I pull up and bite at the rope that my arms are tied up with, a little time passes and I finally get it, my arms fall and I roll off the bed and start patting around for my glasses after hitting the wall a few times I find them. Once there on I look around and I see a clock its 12:15am "I was out for like six hours!" I instantly cover my mouth and stand very still I hear no one coming so I go back over to the bed and sit down, "Did Niall rape me?" I question in a whisper to myself. "I look as I did when I blacked out, and I remember a knock and Niall looking at the door before I was out.. did he leave the room and just not come back." I sat there thinking for a while, "I feel fine other than being a bit sluggish." I say again aloud in a whisper, "Great I'm talking to myself." I let out a sigh and sit back in the middle of the bed and lean against the bedframe, "No use in trying to escape." I watch the clock as the time goes by, about 30 minutes later Tanner comes in the door. "You're awake.." he says in a whisper and he shuts the door, "I think so." I said back quietly but just loud enough for him to hear me. "Are you okay." he asks, "Yeah Tanner I'm perfectly fine I've only been kidnapped for the second damn time and I've been sitting here questioning things for like 30 minutes now and then you come in here being nice. So yeah I'm great this doesn't eff with my head a single bit." "Emmilia please listen I want to get you out of here." "What?" "Yes now listen. I'm gonna bring Haley up here then call Harry and I'll go back downstairs but you two have to stay quite." "Again what??" "I'm tired of this crap with Dylan and now Niall is in on it I just don't want anyone else hurt." "Then explain how Haleys head got busted." "How do you know about that?" "I was awake when you and Dylan came into the basement." "Ohh, well I didn't mean for it to happen, I was trying to explain to Haley I wasn't actually going to hurt you two but she wouldn't listen and she squirmed and I accidently dropped her." "How can I trust you?" I ask feeling really confused, "Fine if you don't trust me watch I'll bring up Haley then I'll call Harry while I'm still in this room." "Okay prove it then I'll trust you." "Okay I'll be right back." Tanner said then he left the room. "What the hell." I lean my head back and close my eyes, I hear the doorknob jiggle and I look at the clock 5 minutes has gone by. The door opens and it's Tanner and Haley is in his arms, he pushes the door shut and Haley rolls out his arms and dives onto the bed and hugs me. "Emmilia! What has happened up here are you okay?" "Shh be quiet they'll hear you." Tanner says in a hushed voice, "Hales I'm fine I feel okay, how are you?" "I'm okay I guess, do you believe him?" she asks and gestures over to Tanner, "Not quiet." I reply and stand up, "Tanner you haven't fished proving I can trust you." "Yeah right I'll call him now." he replies and I look back at Hales and she looks confused. "Harry?" "Tanner!?" I hear Harry shout then other voices chime in behind Harry on the other line, "Harry please listen I'm trying to get the girls out I'm trying to tell you where we are." Tanner explains and Haley is know standing next to me. "Both of them?" you can hear Liam ask, "Yes both." Tanner answers, "Prove it." Harry says and I giggle when Haley elbows me and whispers, "You two are just alike so hard headed." Just then Tanner hands me the phone, "Harry.." I say faintly and my heart skips a beat when I hear him answer, "Oh my god Emmilia..." "Harry come get me." I say and my eyes start to water, "Baby I'm coming." "Okay hurry." I say now smiling but a few tears slip and I sniffle, "Love don't cry, are you okay? You'll worry me please don't cry." "These are happy tears Haz, I'm okay.. I'm okay now." Okay." he replies and I can see the smile that went with that word in my head and the thought of his dimpled smile makes a few more tears fall and a bigger smile pull at my lips. "Ohh my gosh I don't want to get off the phone with you but if Liam doesn't talk to Hales within the next 10 seconds I'm pretty sure he'll kill me." "Aww come on I just want to hear your voice, but I know he wants to hear her voice as much as you wanted to hear mine. I love you and I'll see you soon." "I love you more Brighton." "Not a chance Styles." "We'll see soon." "Okay." I reply with a ridiculous grin and my stomach is filled with butterflies as I hand the phone off to Haley, "Hales!" I hear Liam say through the phone and I step a little closer wanting to hear them,"Oh- ohh my gosh Liam!" "Haley are you okay?" "I'm fine. Are y'all close?" "Umm that depends are you two at Tanners old place?" "Tanner are we at your old house?" Haley asks, "Yeahh because my parents aren't here." "Great to know, Liam? Yeah we're at his old place." "Great well I need to go I don't want to but I'll see you soon okay, I love you." "I love you too Liam." Haley replied and smiled then handed the phone back to Tanner, They talked shortly then Tanner hung up. "Okay you two stay quite, Nialls asleep downstairs and Dylan is in a guestroom like four doors down from here. I'm need to get back down there." "Okay." Me and Haley reply at the same time and he leaves. "Emmilia, I told Liam I'm fine look at my head this isn't fine." " Uhh there's a bathroom right there we can wash your hair in the sink then here take one of my ponytails." "Okay that'll work." she replies and we do so, it takes about two minutes to make sure most the blood is out her hair and off her forehead, we don't need to draw attention with running water. She pulls her hair up and I do the same then I find a Band-Aid and Haley puts it over the cut on her forehead then we go back to the bed and sit there for 45 minutes before we hear something.. car doors shut.

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