Chapter 13

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"I'm in love with your girlfriend." Harrys words hit me like a ton of bricks and I'm sure they hit Niall just the same if not harder. I couldn't get the courage to look at Niall after Harry said what he did, it was silent in the room and no one even tried making a peep. The boys are looking at each other as if they could throw down right here in my hospital room, and all I can do is just sit here helpless to what's about to be going down. "What the hell do you mean Harry." Niall said finally speaking up and breaking the silence. His words were firm and filled with anger as he looked at me then back to Harry. "Isn't it clear what I said Niall, I said I'm in love with your girlfriend." "How, how could you be in love with her? She doesn't like you like that Harry!" "Ask her yourself Niall! Don't just yell at me about this shit." "Shit, what do you mean by that Harry? This isn't shit! This is very important. You just said that you're in love with me. That's not something that you call shit Harry." I added in and sat up getting concerned looks from the both of them. "Em I- I didn't mean it like that, I know this isn't shit. I'm sorry, I know this is a very important topic." Harry said as he stepped in front of me and tilted my chin up so I'd be looking at him, then Niall stepped over and nudged Harry kinda hard making Harry stumble and move over. "Emmilia, do you love him?" Niall asked as he crouched down in front of me and placed a hand on my cheek. "Y-yes Niall, I do. But I'm with you. I love you." "Well you know what Emmilia those are just words." Niall spat as he pulled his hand from my cheek and stood up and walked away from me. He ran his hands through his hair and turned back around to me his face turning slightly red his eyes looked watery as he spoke up, "How much do you love him?" "Ni.. please don't do this." "No Emmilia tell me, how much do you love Harry?" "I love him." I replied and looked down feeling my eyes starting to sting from the tears that are threatening to happen anytime now. "More than you love me?" I heard him ask through a sniffle and that's all it took to make the tears start falling, I never wanted to make him cry and that's what I've done. I'm breaking his heart and that's what is hurting me the most. To know that I'm the cause of all this.. "shit" that's happened it kills me, and I can't handle it. "Niall, Love don't cry, Please.. please don't.. You're breaking my heart when you cry." "Well what do you think you're doing to mine with all this?" His words hurt because I know it's true, I know I'm breaking his heart. "Niall I can't be with you... It's like I'm constantly hurting you and I cant keep this up.." "Do you know what's going to hurt me, Seeing you with him.. you might as well rip my heart from my chest right now because that's how it's going to feel if you're with him." ".. Ni." "Save it Emmilia. I'll go, I know you love him.. I can tell... you don't have to say a word.." and with that he kissed my forehead then he turned around and walked to the door he stopped right as he got to it and he turned around, "What happened to not letting a girl come between us Hazz? I guess being friends for 7 years is long enough.. Bye you two." and with that he was gone.

It had been about five minutes sense Niall left and neither me or Harry had said a word. All I could do is sit in this freaking uncomfortable bed and cry because all that just happened, Harry was sitting against the window that was across the room from me, he had his head leaned back and his eyes shut and he had his phone clenched in his hands then he said something very quietly but just loud enough for me to hear. "Why can't I wake up from this nightmare?" "Tell me why this is a nightmare." I said back in almost a whisper but he heard me. "Well my bestfriend is gone and he.. he hates me... then the girl I love probably dosen't  love me after that dumb arse comment I made about this all being shit.. and that's the worst part if I've lost you then this has to be a dream.. Because  I can't go a day with knowing you hate me too. I can't lose you too.. You're my only true friend and I'm in love with you." He said and looked away from me, he looked like he was about to cry just then I spoke up. "Well this isn't a nightmare then." "What?" "This isn't a nightmare because I don't hate you.. how could I hate you? You've always been here for me and you've never just walked out when it has gotten hard... and riddle me this how could I not love you?" "W-what?" "I love you ya dork." I smiled and looked down but looked back up when I heard him get up and start walking to me "I just wanted to make sure I heard you right." He replied with the biggest sweetest dimpled smile and my heart melted. "You mean it though Emmilia, you love me?" "I do." by this time he's standing right in front of me, "I'm going to hear you say those words again some day." he replied with a cute smirk then he crashed his lips to mine with the most passionate kiss a boy could give a girl and I melted in his arms. 

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