Chapter 12

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At my words I actually thought Harry was going to burst with happiness, His eyes lit up and his smile was gorgeous. I was pretty happy as well, It's like something has been lifted off my shoulders now that I've said it. "Emmilia, Do you mean it?" Harry asked with an eager grin playing at his lips. "Yes.." I replied and smiled and before I knew it his lips were against mine. When his lips touched mine it felt so different than Niall, Harrys kiss was more in a way. It was.. better. My thoughts cut short when we  heard the door open and a gasp come from someone. "Oh.. ohh my gosh.. Uhhh I didn't see anything. I'm gonna go out and come back in it'll be like none of this had happened. I saw nothing." Haley said and spun around and went out the door. "Shit." Harry said when she left the room and he stood up and ran his hands through his hair. "Harry it's okay, don't worry about it." "No it's not she'll tell Niall." and at his words I remembered. "Shit! I forgot about Niall. How do I forget about my own boyfriend?!" "Emmilia.. I'm sorry." "Harry I had an equal part in this. I kissed you back." and right as Harry was going to reply the door opened and we looked to see Haley leaning on the door frame. "Hey, Oh my gosh! Emmilia you're out of the coma!!" she screeched and ran over and hugged me. As she hugged me I looked up to Harry who had the same dumbfounded look on his face as I did. "Hales..." I urged "Shhh.. she replied and shook her head. "Not a word about it." she said with a wink and did the key thing on her lips to say that she wouldn't tell anyone. "Thank you.." "Don't mention it. I got your back girl. Your secrets safe with me." she replied and hugged me again then sat down on the foot of the bed. By this time Harry was calmer and he was sitting next me in a chair. "Okay so time for a change of topic." Haley said through a giggle then started to talk again. "Emmilia do you remember what happened?" "Yes." I replied and I could see the images of Dylan and Tanner clear as day in my head. "Yes I remember." "Do you wanna tell us?" Haley asked and I nodded my head, "I walked in my house and leaned against my door then I heard his voice.. I tried to run.. but Tanner caught me.. he carried me back inside and tied me to a chair and I was dragged to my kitchen in it. A light then cut on only to show Dylan... in front of me with a knife.. words were said I got stabbed like twice and cut on my cheek and then I got pushed backwards to the floor and that's when I blacked out. But I feel like I'm forgetting something." "Oh my gosh Em.. I'm so sorry this has happened to you." "It's okay we can't change the past." I replied through a weak smile then Harry asked something, "Emmilia did he say anything to you?" That's when I remembered what I'd forgotten, "Harry! You have to leave you can't be here. He's going to kill you.." "What?!" Harry and Haley said at the same time and looked at me confused. "Before he cut my cheek I asked him why he was doing all that stuff to me because Harry didn't even know he was at my house and then he whispered in my ear.. "He'll come to the hospital." That's why you have to leave Harry. He knows you'll visit me." "Woah wait a minute, you were being tormented so that he could get to me? What the hell?! Why was hurting you necessary?" "Because you love me.. He knew that by hurting me he could get to you." "That prick!" "Harry you have to leave." "No, I'm not leaving you." "Hazz I don't know you might need to get out of here." Haley added in. "No Hales I'm not leaving her." "Hazz..." "Emmilia you can't change my mind. If the prick comes he comes." "Okay Harold I know I can't change your mind." "Okay so I'm staying." "Okay Hazz.." I replied and leaned back in my bed and ran my hands through my curls. "Okay well I should get going you two probably have some talking to do." Haley said and stood up and hugged us both. "Bye Hales, Thanks for coming to see me!"  "Sure thing girl, Bye! Bye Harry!" "Bye Haley." Haley was almost out the door when she turned around. "Oh yeah, use protection you two." "Hales!" we both said at then same time then she scampered out the door. Not long after I got a text from her. *"Shit Emmilia, I didn't mean to... :(" I was confused by the text and I showed it to Harry, We didn't understand but it soon became evident what it was about.

"Why do you two need protection?" we heard an Irish voice say and we looked up to see Niall standing in the doorway. Needless to say I could've died in that moment. The feeling inside me grew worse as Niall stood there motionless and speechless looking at the two of us. "Niall.." "Save it Harry! I want to hear this from Emmilia. What did Haley mean by what she said, Why would she say that?" "Ni..." "Tell me Emmilia." he stated harsher and walked to the foot of my bed and placed his hands on the footboard. "She.. she was joking around with us Niall it was nothing." "Emmilia don't lie." "I'm not she was picking with us Niall." and well it wasn't a lie she was messing with Harry and I. "Emmilia.." Harry said as he nudged me with his elbow, I looked up at him and he looked like he was about to say something but Niall spoke up. "Do you have something to say Harry?" "Yes Niall in fact I do." "And what's that Hazz?" at Nialls words Harry looked at me and winked then looked up "I'm in love with your girlfriend."

Authors Note: This is a short chapter I know but I wanted to update so here ya go loves. Thanks for the reads and please continue to vote!

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