Kendall head was filled with thoughts. Negative thoughts. She fought back the urge not to cry, successfully winning only for a moment. "I don't want you to go."

Melo pulled Kendall into a long embrace. "I know we wasn't on good terms last night but I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you like that. Let's just enjoy this week and summer together before Junior Year." Melo finished.

Kendall nodded in his chest just resting there. She was sad to see the Ball family move away after all the long years they had. But it only made sense now that they were getting more famous throughout social media. Sometimes random people would come to the house and ask for pictures.

"We have to do something tonight. Just me, you, and the gang. Our last school memory together." Kendall suggested sadly.

"Well. The fair is open. Do you want to go there? Or maybe we can hang at my new house? Just me and you though."

Kendall knew exactly what Melo meant by that and she wasn't ready at all for that. "Maybe the fair this time." Kendall remembered the one time when her and Melo was in health class in the 7th grade and they talked about it. Kendall always dreaded the fact that she might have to do it because she didn't want to experience the pain.

Melo did look a little bummed but he agreed and they continued hugging before releasing. "Melo we gotta go." Lavar yelled before getting in the driving seat of the moving truck.

"Text me the plan okay?" Melo kissed Kendall's forehead and went over to the truck and got in the passenger seat.

Kendall looked at them drive away in sadness. She then spotted the buy our house sign which made her even sadder.

Kendall walked to her house bummed out and opened the front door. "Momma?" She yelled throughout the house. She walked into the kitchen where there was a note on the fridge.

Your father wanted to see me so I'll be out but you and Shans sandwich is in the microwave, 50 dollars for food.

Kendall wanted to ask her mom about the fair but now she wouldn't be able to. She was concerned a little bit about her dad.

Kendall heard Shan walk through the front door with someone. She peeked at the corner of the kitchen looking at the door. "I don't think my sister is here yet. She doesn't come maybe for another 20 minutes because the bus. You sure you broke up with Isabella?"

"Oh my god." Kendall thought to herself as she held her mouth shut. "You sure you broke up with Devonte?" Gelo mocked.

"Yes." "Me too, we gotta make this quick because we are moving today."

Kendall watched the two kiss and walk upstairs smiling.

Kendall became more then disgusted and walked out the house not forgetting her sandwich. She decided to text Teri and Jaylen about the plan.

Teri responded saying she'd go along with Jaylen at 6:00.

Teri responded saying she'd go along with Jaylen at 6:00

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