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hey i'm gonna start putting what clothes rosalia is wearing in every chapter btw ^

We board the plane and get in our seats quickly. I was in between Shawn and Aaliyah because that's what Aaliyah wanted it to be... these seats. I felt like she was being sneaky putting me and Shawn together.

"They have free movies on this plane. I. Am. Deceased," Taylor says from in front of me.

"O. M. G!" Nash screams running down the aisle from entering the plane, all the way to where Matt and Cameron were sitting. "It's Cam Dallas and Matt Espinosa!"

"I'm scared," Shawn whispers to me.

"I feel you," I whisper back.

The flight was ready to leave on the runway earlier than i expected, so once the plane was taking off, I gripped Shawn's hand and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Sorry Shawn if i'm hurting you, I just get pretty nervous," I say, not caring that it was probably awkward for him, my eyes still squeezed shut.

He grabs my hand from on top of his and intertwined them.

"Oooo," Aaliyah says from the seat next to me about to put her headphones in.

We nervously let go as Shawn nervously laughs. It was quiet for a few minutes when Shawn looked at me. I turned my head to see his eyes were widened at my chest. I got scared for a second.

"Oh my god!" He shouted slightly, trying not to annoy the other people on the flight. "You like Harry Potter."

Oh thank god. He was looking at my necklace. My dirty mind thought differently.

"Oh," I quickly laugh, grabbing it. It was the Deathly Hallows symbol. I knew Shawn adored Harry Potter. I guess he didn't know I loved it just as much as him. "Yeah I really do love it. I know you really love it."

"Are you kidding? I think I am Harry Potter half the time," Shawn says, getting really happy, which made me really happy. "Just everything about it. I actually read all the books which is surprising because I don't read very often."

I laugh. "I'm literally the same way. I read that whole series and Paper Towns. That's about it. I mean I should read more, but I guess i'm just a total movie buff."

"Me too," He says. "I really wanted to go to Universal where they have the Hogwarts castle and Diagon Alley."

"I know! I've never been and i'm literally dying to go. We're gonna go together. And we'll fangirl together."

Shawn blushes, "Sounds like a plan. But in all seriousness, what house are you in."

"Ok, so I took the test. And I got Gryffindor. So i'm Gryffindor," I tell him.

"I could literally talk to you this whole plane ride about nation wide movie and book franchises right now," Shawn says looking dead serious.

"Then let's do it. Oh, and I met Tom Felton by the way. Let me get the picture," I say, going on my phone and looking for it.

"I'm envying you right now, oh my god," He says. I find the picture and show it to him.

"I never forgot what he said to me too. Ok so, basically I was walking in LA by myself. So I think I was walking to my apartment when I heard a familiar british voice behind me on the phone. He was like 'Daniel, i'll see you at the premiere right.... no what do you mean you can't? Alright fine' , then he hung up and i'm still confused. I turned around and saw it was Tom Felton. So I tried to keep my cool. But I was assuming he was talking about Daniel Radcliffe and he saw me slightly laughing, so Tom came next to me and was like... 'he defeats one dark lord and thinks he's the king of everything'. I seriously started dying of laughter and Tom cracked a laugh. And then I remember I just said, 'yeah Tom. I'm a huge fan, I loved you in HP and Planet of the Apes' . And we just talked about movies and how I loved acting and such. And my childhood self was screaming because he was my childhood crush growing up. And yeah." I noticed Shawn was staring at me. "What? Was I rambling too much?"

"No. I just like listening to your stories."

I smile. That comment made me very happy, not only because it was coming from Shawn, but just knowing someone appreciates me is what really mattered.

The flight was about 2 and a half hours, and me and Shawn talked the whole time. From Harry Potter to what tv shows we love to what our ideal honeymoon is, we didn't even realize that the plane was about to land.

"I don't mean to rain on your parade," Carter says turning around in his seat. "But the plane has landed. And if I hear you guys talking about Emma Watson's performance in Beauty in the Beast one more time, I might kill myself."

"Well she was good, and you know it," I say, pointing to Carter.

He rolled his eyes playfully. "I know, you're right."

Shawn grabs my suitcase from the top compartment since we didn't check the luggage. "Thanks, Shawn."

"No problem," he smiles as we exit the plane.

We walk into the Dallas airport as Matthew asks, "Is that Waka Flocka Flame?"

"Matthew!" Cameron shouts at Matthew who broke his staring streak at the guy that looked like Waka Flocka.

"What!" Matthew shouts back, Cameron and him jumping on each other.

"Are you Wacka Flocka!" Cameron shouts at Matthew.

I roll my eyes playfully and walk out of the airport.

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