Chapter 14

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4 months later

I'm forced to stay with my dad and Madelyn on weekends, but the deal was I get to bring Bre with me! Deon and I are still together, same for Bre and Trey. Roc has been out of jail for about a month now and he isn't allowed within 100 feet of me until we go to court. Guess who decided to be Roc's girlfriend, Kataysha! The step sister I never wanted, but we have to get a long for the sake of Madelyn and my dad. I tried to warn her about what he did to me, but once again she thinks I'm jealous and just don't want to see her happy with my ex. Crazy right !? Bre , Kataysha, and I are in my room.

"Roc hasn't put his hands on you have he?" I asked KayKay. Bre looked at her wondering also.

"That's none of your concern Daja" she snapped at me.

"Well sorry for caring about your well being you big body bitch" says Bre.

"Chill, Bre" I tell her.

"I'm not putting up with this Roc is waiting for me down the street because somebody can't take a hit." Kataysha says as she storms off. Bre got up to punch her upside her head, but I stopped her.

"She not worth it Bre, just let her go and learn a damn lesson." I say to her

"Fuck that big bitch, but your birthday next week turn the fuck up bestie !" I laughed and got very excited about my birthday.

"My plan is to go to on a vacation to Baton Rouge, Louisiana where my dad family is at and I've always wanted to see the fireworks that everyone down there talks so much about every year!" I say

"Plan achieved, that's what we're doing for your birthday Daja, and I'm gonna be sure of it Roc and Kataysha free!"

"Bre ! Daja!" Madelyn yelled. Me and her both went downstairs, and see Deon fine ass , and Trey big ugly ass.

"Deon and Trey wants to take yall skating, make sure y'all lock up I'll be back in a couple of hours I'm going grocery shopping" she said.

" Oh how thoughtful of y'all , who idea was it big ugly Treylyn." I say playfully laughing after.

"You just mad that you can't have this sexy 6-pack Daja, that's why you always feel the need to bully me and call me ugly."

" I gag at that statement, Deon is all I have eyes for." I kissed him.

"Guys do we really have to go skating why can't we just stay here." Bre moaned.

"She's right, Madelyn is gone and your dad isn't here Daja so we can do whatever " Trey agreed

"Of course you would agree to get some sex" I say

"Not true!" Bre and Trey both said together, then grinned.

"Mhm which makes it 10 times true!" Deon says . Deon and I never had any sexual intercourse with each other before, but Bre and Trey on the other hand you can't say the same.

" Bre and Trey y'all can take y'all nasty tails in the basement." I say. They both got happy and ran downstairs to the basement. Deon and I went to my room for some alone time.

"Babe, August Alsina ? Really?" He asked while looking at my wall.

"That's my husband, duh"

"What about me" he pouts.

"Deon, boyfriend . August Alsina , husband." He looked at me with a blank statement.

"I swear I was kidding" I said to make him feel better, he started poking his lips out.

"Look at those big juicy lips of yours, come give me a kiss sexy" He pulled me by my waist onto the bed then I straddled him and put my hands on his chest and he was biting his lip looking me up and down.

"Can you stop looking at me like that please"

"I can look at you all I want your mine beautiful" I felt his junk poking me.


"What!? It has a mind of its own. Not my fault that you're as pretty as you are."

"Aww that's why I love you Deontario Molokai Jenkins." I kissed his lips and we started to make out with tongue. That's when my dad bust in my room.

"What the hell Nedaja, get the fuck off of him NOW!" He yelled, I ran to the wall while Deon stayed on the bed.

"Look here you little fast little girl I don't know what your mama let you do, but you sure as hell won't get to do that here." My dad yelled. I'm about to be 17 and he treats me like I'm a kid.

"And for you son Darren, Denny , whatever your name is you only look at my daughter for sex."

"My name is Deon" he said .

"Okay Dennis. and for you Nedaja let you come up pregnant . You will get it ." My dad says furious.

" Where is Breanna and Kataysha?" He asks curious.

" I don't know" I say because I ain't no snitch.

"Tell me NOW!"

"Bre is in the basement!" He rushed to the basement really fast . With me and Deon following. I was making noise on the way there to alarm Bre and Trey but it was too late. My dad bust in the basement while Bre and Trey were having sex ! They separated really fast.

"Hi dad ..." Bre said. My dad face turned so red and it looked like steam was coming out of his ears. He was furious.

"Bre you have 3 seconds to get out of my sight 1.." Bre, Deon, Trey and I all were moving really fast out of there.

"Trey, get back here son" Trey walked back slowly.

"Close the door" he motioned to Trey. Once Trey closed the door we all stood there by it. All I can hear is my dad yelling. Then all I hear is bumping against the wall. I run back in there and my dad and Trey are fighting. Deon runs to break it up.

"GET THE HELL OUT ALL 4 OF YOU GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW !" My dad yells we all move very quickly out of there . We got in Deon car and everyone starts laughing.

"Why every time y'all supposed to just talk y'all end up fighting." Bre says with so much laughter following .

"Man, I don't wanna hear it" Trey says

"Motor mouth don't have nothing to say with his big ole forehead." I say

"Daja chill" Deon says to me.

"It ain't my fault Treylyn got a knuckle sandwich upside his forehead. It's knot that serious" I laugh making a joke about the knot on his head.

"He's knot to be played with" Bre joined. Deon pulled out of the driveway. Going towards my mom's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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