Chapter 7

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We just walked in the mall. It's so huge! DayDay rarely let us go to the mall back in Cali because she didn't want us with materialistic things.

"Come on let's go to my mom's shop" Bahja said. We went to Baj and Lolo mom's shop, she looks like a very excited person.

"Nedaja Jade Crockett" Shamara said.

"How do you know my name" I asked

"I practically raised you when your mom was on crack" she said.

"When I went to Cali they helped me to erase every memory that happened here in ATL, and my adoptive mom got my last name changed to Jones when I first moved with her" I explained.

"That's understandable, have you thought about any colors that you want for your weave" she asked.

"Blonde with blue streaks" Nique spoke before I could.

"No" I said.

"Really Zonnique, why would you give her your old hair colors" Shamara laughed. "What do you want honey" she asked.

"I want blue with purple ends" I said.

"That's going to be cute" Nique said

"Says the person that tried to give me her old colors so people could call me a copycat" I said laughing

"Hey! I thought blond would be really pretty on your face I'm sorry" she said.

"What inches do you want Nedaja" Shamara asked.

"20, 18, and 16" I said

"Ok, come back later when I have it ready so I can sew it in" she said

"How much do you charge" I asked

"Nothing" she said

"You sure" I asked

"Yes she is so come on" Lolo pulled me out of the shop. When we left I begged them to go to the food court because I haven't ate since I got here. We were all sitting at a table eating and talking about random stuff.

"Prodigy, Ray Ray, Roc Royal, and Princeton, what are their real names" Bahja asked.

"Craig, Rayan, Chresanto, and Jacob" I replied.

"Chresanto! Where did that name come from" Nique said and they all laughed.

"Don't know, ask his mom Ravennequa" I said laughing at Raven government name.

"Ravennequa!" Nique yelled. She was joked out by they names.

"Call her Raven, and call him crescent roll" I said.

"I thought it was Roc Royal" Lolo said.

"Yeah, when you talking to me. When you talking to him call him crescent roll" I said.

"so how did you and Roc Royal meet" Bre asked me

"so it was in 5th grade and Roc had this big afro kind of like Prince and they were best friends along with Ray and we became friends from there because Prince and Ray are my adoptive brothers kind of like you and Nique. Well y'all sisters but you get what I mean" I explained

"what about Prodigy when did he come" Nique asked

"Prod was adopted into our family the next year" I said.

"How is all of their personalities" Lolo asked.

"Roc and Ray are the fun ones and they fight all the time, Prince is always talking about world peace or some shit, Prod is chill he never really say anything and he likes fried chicken, Raven is always yelling at people for no reason, and DayDay, my adoptive mother, always try and make sure you are doing the right thing at all times" I said.

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