Chapter 10: Assassin by Night

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I apologize for my extended absence, I just started up college and I moved out of my parents house, and I got a kitten! I have been incredibly busy but now that things have calm down a little bit I should be adding a chapter maybe 2 to 3 times a week and requests are always open so keep that in mind! Now without further ado and long times coming, here is chapter 10🖤

As you and Rick had finished up breakfast, Beth took your leftover dishes and set them in the sink while Rick took you to the car outside grabbing a couple things as you went through the garage. You got in the passenger seat, the thing that hit you first wasn't all of the beer cans scattered among the floor and the backseat- it was the pungent smell of alcohol and mildew that drew tears to your eyes, but you wiped them away as soon as Rick came to get into the driver seat.

You look down at the shirt you had on, the flash curtains was definitely a weird name for a band but Rick was pretty weird. You wondered if bird person was just the same as him. But there was no way, rick was the craziest. "Ready?" Rick slammed the door as you reached for the seatbelt. "Ugh, y-you and Morty both with the whole seatbelt thing." He rolled his eyes playfully, glancing at you.

"Well... I mean if you get in a car crash I'll fly out the window and die." You explained, earning a laugh from Rick. "Where do they feed you that bullshit? Drivers ED??" You looked to him almost in shock. "Um, yes?" You answered rhetorically, "well Drivers ED is dumb, it's-" he started, but interrupted him "a waste of time and it's not for smart people, I know, we know you say that every time someone brings up anything even vaguely related to public education.. or learning." The car was silent for a moment until rick spoke. "You know there was a dimension where is was with a Morty and I got plastered and crashed the car, if he hadn't had his seatbelt on to crush his rib cage and puncture his heart he would have lived."

You silently took your seatbelt off and sat for a moment is silence. Rick glanced at you then away, shrugging. "Well, then I guess if he hadn't died I would never had met you... it was a one out of ten chance but I like y-you....'re... dimension."
You gave a confused because you grab your seatbelt and slowly put it back on, a moment of silence again struck the car. You both looked at each other for a second and then burst out with laughter.

A light blinked on the dashboard as the car entered the world bird person lived. Rick searched around for his nest, landing the car in the yard. You got out, as did rick. The two of you walked up to the door, Rick knocked and the couple seconds later the door was opened by a shorter girl with short brunette hair in a feather dress. "Oh, Hey Rick!" Tammy said happily and looked over her shoulder to spot her fiancé. "Bird~Person~! Rick is here~!" She said before greeting the two of you in. Bird person came in through the kitchen, greeting rick before glancing over at you. He was so much taller than you.. he was taller than Rick. "Good Morning..?" He led on in a monotone voice. "Eh,- (y/n)." Bird person tilted his head down in a kind gesture. "Good Morning, (y/n)."

Bird Person noticed the band shirt you had been wearing, cracking a small smile in the corner of his mouth. Tammy saw this as Bird Person had turned to rick, nearly glaring at you. You hadn't noticed, so you went on to listening to the friends speak. "So anyway we're down here to have some fun, what do you say?" He asked, nudging BP with his elbow. "Well..." he said, eyeballing Tammy. She looked to him and then to Rick, Then to you. "Yeah, sure." She said smiling, but keeping her eyes on you. You felt strange, maybe she was just kind of too fucked up from living with bird people to act like a normal human being. You internally shrugged, whatever it meant it would hopefully get more obvious so you could call her out for it later.

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