Chapter 6: Out like a light

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Rick wrapped his larger hands around the others neck allowing evil Rick to pass out on the floor. You looked up and saw that Rick had gotten up off the floor to untie your binds, as soon as he did you didn't bother standing, as you were still confused. "Come on (y/n), let's go!" Rick yelled as he looked over his shoulder while running out into the corridor. He walked back into the room and put his hand out to help you get up from the chair, which you took, and stood.

"Is there something wrong..? You look like you've just been hit by a truck." Rick pointed out as you glanced up at him "Jee, thanks." You said you scratched the back of your neck looking down in thought. Rick looked at the top of your head and then put a finger underneath your chin to lift your face up to have your eyes meet his. "What's really wrong? Something's bothering you, isn't it?" You looked into his eyes not entirely sure whether to say the truth or not about what you had just flashbacked to.

"I think I know who took Morty and I to the human trafficking ship." you said hesitantly as you watched Rick's  facial expression change from something serious to something very concerned. "Who was it." He demanded more than asking with a curious glare. "I'm not saying that I definitely know who it was I just saw somebody who was there with us at the time that Morty and I had been taken." You shrugged as you took your chin away from his fingers looking to the side and then looking over his shoulder at the hallway. "We should probably get going, I don't really like it here.."

Rick kept his curious stare before shifting his body towards the door and then looking into the Corredor. He changed his mind and then turn back to you, "I-I don't like the fact that you-you're not going to tell me who took away your memories, hurt my grandson and put the both of you in a human trafficking ring eight and a half light years away, just because you're being a little bit shy about it." You bit your lip and look down then look back at Rick after a moment. "It was Jerry." You managed to say with a tight throat.

Rick looked taken aback by the words that had just came out of your mouth. He looked over your head in thought... there could be infinite Jerry's and very little of them could be per say..' evil', but it was possible and now that he knew that there was a reality were you are still alive- friends with Rick and Morty and the other Jerry and the other Beth and the other summer that he could potentially be looking for something that Rick could miss if he didn't know every detail.

Rick grabbed your arm and then took the portal gun out of his lab coat, almost instantly remembering that he had it. He shot a portal at the wall and drug you through it, you both ended up in the garage in your dimension in the current present time. He dragged you over to his chair and sat you down while he went to go rummage through some cabinets. He came back with a device that looked like a remote but it had a screen on it and two little suction cups hung off the sides that were connected to wires. He took one of the cups and stuck it on your left temple and then took the other one and stuck it on your right temple. He turn the device on and you felt a tiny shock but otherwise it was okay. Rick pushed a couple buttons and twisted the knob at the top. You heard the noises come out of the bottom of it which sounded vaguely familiar.

Because they were your memories.

Rick watched the Jerry who you had seen through your perspective on the screen, take Morty and hit you over the head with a large object. Rick looked puzzled for a moment but then took the cups off of your forehead and wound them back up into the device, went to go put the device away, and then scooted you over to bend over his workbench and look at the papers that had some tacks on them with strings - leading to each thumbtack drawing his finger over each one of the strings to find one of the dimensions that Jerry could possibly be villainess.

"I-it- it looks like beta Z1 59-a762 Jerry.. ugh he-he's a mess. I mean.. he gonna be a rEEEAl problem." Rick said as he pulled his finger away from the bulletin board, stood up straight and took the flask from his coat pocket  taking a quick swig before putting it back and looking to you. He put his hands on his hips and sighed, "well it looks like you caught something in between my string theory, thanks for telling me." He said with a bit of monotone in his voice, he turned and went to open the door that led into the house "stay here." He said as he left the door open and went into the kitchen to go get something for you to eat.

He came back with your favorite snack and gave it to you, you looked at it in your hands before looking back up at him as he sat on his workbench. you looked puzzled before taking a bite out of your favorite snack, you had been starving.. you didn't know how long you had been in the holding chambers in the Andromeda system, but you hoped Morty was okay after he woke up from his nap.

Rick looked forward as he got lost in his mind, wondering how bad this would be for the rest of them and how this would interrupt his work, and how this would affect you. As he continued to stare at you, which he didn't realize he was doing- you caught him staring, and you didn't think to say anything so you just went back to eating your snack.

You let out a small yawn, which caught ricks attention, snapping him out of his daydream. "Alright, I think it's bed for you." You finished the rest of your snack as Rick stood up, you did too. "But I don't have any place to sleep.." you said. Rick walked towards the still open door into the house and made a hand gesture for you to follow him, "y-you can just... sleep in my room. Only for like a 30 minute nap, after that it's dinner time and Beth is going to want to know where you've been."

You swallowed, sleep in his room? Sleeping another people's beds has always been a problem for you, you never felt comfortable in any other bed but your own, but since your parents weren't really around anymore... you didn't have much of a choice. So you took up the offer, following the elderly man up the stairs into the first bedroom on the left. He opened the door, the room smelled Dusty.. musky almost like it had never been used, but it had been.

There were a bunch of papers all over the wall with strings attached to them just like the one in the garage but on a larger scale. His bed was pushed up to the right side of the wall. He cracked the door as you both walked in. Behind the door was a TV on a small nightstand. There was also a small nightstand to the left of the bed. Behind that were two dressers was a microscope on it. The left side of the room were just boxes with failed experiments and microchips, wires, different sets of tools and other different scraps that he would use for later on inventions scattered about the floor which had obviously been pushed with a broom of some sort or a foot to the side so that it wasn't scattered in the middle of the room.

Rick pulled the blankets down so that you could get into the bed. "Shoes off. I've got some clothes that you can sleep in if you're comfortable." He made you smile a bit as you had been slipping your shoes off with your feet. Rick bent over to pick up your shoes and you stepped back for a moment he examined them and then put his fingers on the back loops of them to hold them with one hand next to his hip. "I'm gonna take these back to the garage and work on them if that's all right with you." It wasn't much of a question, and you understood that. He walked towards the door and you backed up towards the bed, he took the handle in one hand and you sat down on the side of the bed shuffle on your feet underneath the sheets. "Good night." Rick said as he started to close the door "night..." he closed the door as you put your head down on the pillow and pull the sheets up to your face, to your surprise
it was the most comfortable bed you had ever slept in.. you went to sleep very quickly, out like a light

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