Chapter 5: The Kidnapping

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The grip around your arm made you wince once before a loud noise came from below the two of you. The Evil rick stood and yanked you around the work bench and shot a portal into the wall. The both of your attention snapped to the hatch as it blew off it's hinges and flew against the ceiling and crashed some vials on the workbench. Rick crawled out of the hole and coughed a couple times before standing, holding a new gun made from what looked like scraps.

Rick huffed and chuckled before pointing it at the other rick holding your arm. "Y-you-you didn't think for a second that I would get out of there??" He said rather sarcastically, the Evil Rick smirked lightly and shrugged, "I did, I just didn't think it would have been this soon." He gave a smug look before waving with his free hand and pulling you into the portal with him.

"Oh shit!" Rick hissed and ran around to the portal. It closed before he could run in, allowing him to run face first into the wall. He fell backwards while holding his forehead, glaring at the small hole he had made in the drywall. He got to his feet and pulled his portal gun out, turning the dial to where he needed to go, cursing under his breath. He shot the portal and stepped through to the citadel. It closed behind him.

Every version of Rick and Morty was there, and a few versions of yourself. Rick placed the gun back into his labcoat and looked around.. it would literaly be a needle in a haystack looking for you and the other rick. He squinted as he saw you being dragged off to another wing of the giant station. He ran as fast as he could while pulling his flask out to take a big swig. He ran to a locked set of doors, examining them before looking to the control panel.

"These guys are idiots" he mumbled under his breath, taking out a screw driver, popping the panel open, reconnecting some wires and closing it back up to unlock the door with the push of a button. He rolled his eyes as the doors twisted open to reveal (y/n) tied to a chair, gagged. Rick widened his eyes as he watched the Evil rick adjust his eyepatch and come up behind you, " let's just mAAAAke this quick, shall we?" He said with the cock of a gun in the direction of your head.

"The stone." The Evil Rick stared down Rick.

Rick stopped before shooting a portal to the wall, stepping inside. You panicked until he stepped back, returning with what looked like a glowing chunk of green rock. The gun was lowered from your head as the exchange was made. The Evil rick took it, smirking at the stone in his hand and lifted the gun again, shooting at your head.

Rick tackled the Evil rick before he shot, so that it missed your head by a hair, but it blew your ears to a ringing sensation. You let your head droop forwards-  you remembered again. The planet Morty and yourself were kidnapped from.. the person who took you-

But.. it could be. It was....


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