Chapter 3: For Pizza Sake

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Morty rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as the pod quickly approached Earth. "O-Oh! Ar-alright kids it's about to get hot in here!!" Rick exclaimed with a grip of the seat belt. You gripped Morty's by accident, gives both your belts came from the dispenser between the two of you, and morty came in contact with your hands again. Those soft.. gentle hands. A smile peeled at the corner of his mouth as the pod entered the atmosphere, the ship burning at decent.

The pod ejected a parachute and it yanked, causing you to fall onto Morty, he caught you and helped you back upright. "Thanks.." you mumbled before the pod hit the water. Rick looked around and then took his belt off, going to pop the cover off the top of the pod, climbing halfway out before looking around. "Well shit~" he cursed under his breath while pulling the flask from his coat pocket. He took a swig, screwed the cap back on and put it back into his white coat, climbing down into the pod again.

He brought his wrist to his face, pulling his sleeve down to reveal a junky looking watch, "ship." He said sternly, the watch beeped. "Come get us." He said before burping loudly and flopping back down in his seat. "(Y/n), Morty, hungry?" He asked in a gruff voice as the bright green saliva dripped down his lip and off his chin. You nodded slightly and morty scratched the back of his neck before answering. "Y-yeah.. I guess." He said while glancing at you.

You caught him staring at you. You gave a shy smile and he blushed a little looking away. The ship showed up soon enough and the three of you got in, Morty sat in the back out of courtesy.. you had more leg room that way. "Pizza is on my menu right now!" Rick smiled and jerked the ship in the other direction, landing at The Pizza Palace. "Huh," Morty huffed as you got out, then him. " I figured you'd want to go to Schoney's.." he said while putting his hands in his pockets, walking next to you.

"I'm not a bAAAAAAsic bitch, Morty, I like to shake it up a little." He scolded, "besides- (y/n) loves pizza."
You froze as he held the door open... you did like pizza.. "..I do like pizza-" you said in a bit of self realization. Rick rolled his eyes and put a hand on your back to lightly push you in. "That's right you like pizza, it's better in your mouth- so let's get the ball rolling and set down alreAAAADYYYYY." He said sarcastically, walking in after you and morty, "I'm just here for the breEAAAAADsticks, huh~" he smirked ( ;) ) and went to grab a waiter who seated the three of you.

You sat near the window, sliding all the way across the red leathered booth seat while Morty sat next to you. Rick sat across the table, arranging his silverware and napkin. "Anything for y'all?" The waitress asked, pulling out a pen and paper. "YEEAAh, uh, a large (your fav/pizza) and like, three waters should be fine."
"Alrighty ~ it'll be out in a lil' bit!"
You looked awkwardly down and jumped as rick made his face {*w*} before yelling at the waitress as she walked away. "A basket of breadsticks!!" He cupped his hands around his mouth to amplify the sound, not that he needed to, that was just what he did for everyone else's entertainment.

"So-so uh.. How are we gonna get, you know, your memories back?" Morty asked looking to you, then to Rick. "She's gotta find them on her own Morty I'm not going to fuck with her head." He admitted, picking up his fork and perching his lips, balancing the metal on his upper lip. He let go and kept it there. You gave a small giggle and covered your mouth with your hand. You hated your smile, your teeth had never been quite perfect.

Your laugh forced a smile across Morty's glum face, he really enjoyed your company.. and your laughter and your smile. "Y-You -you shouldn't cover you smile, (y/n), I really like your smile.."
you blushed but still smiled with your mouth closed. Rick dropped the fork and caught it with his hand. "For pizza's sake morty, how about you stop trying to roofie (y/n) and eat some Fucking piIIIIza!!" He slammed his hands on the table as the waitress set the pizza down along with the breadsticks. "Ha-haha! Wubba Lubba Dub DUUUUBB!!" He grabbed a breadstick and your stomach growled at the smell of the food.

"H-here (y/n)," Morty took a few slices off with a napkin and placed it on your plate, grabbing the grated white cheese and sprinkling some of it on for you. Just how you liked it. Morty was trying to be a gentleman, unlike his grandfather who had already downed about half a basket of breadsticks already. You smiled, I really want to remember these people.. they're so kind to me.

You all ate for the first time in a while, happily, with no interruptions. Rick and morty told stories about you and their adventures, you ate until you couldn't anymore. The night was happy, and you almost wanted to cry. You wanted to remember .

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