Chapter 2- the escape

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You looked past Morty's arm to Rick, who had been twirling the keys around his lanky middle finger. "Rick!!" Morty shouted, running to him. "I-I'm sorry we didn't listen, I was just trying to keep (y/n) safe!" He looked back to you, then back up to Rick. His Grandfather rolled his eyes. He looks.. so familiar.. you thought to yourself, looking him up and down. Rick caught you, raising his brow. "Eyes are up here, sweetie." He said with a solid voice, pulling his portal gun from the inside of his lab coat, pointing it at the wall next to them.

His eyes widened as the trigger was pulled- and no portal. "Sh-shit~" he hissed under his breath, shoving the portal gun back in his coat, rummaging around for another one. He pulled out a plasma ray this time, walking outside of the cell. Morty followed and you guessed you should have, too. So you did. "Maybe it would be a good time to mention that (y/n) kind of, uh, lost their memories. Rick stopped in his tracks, looking down at Morty and over his shoulder to you, keeping his gaze there for a second before shaking his head and then moving back forwards. "I-I'll uuUURP- I'll fix it when we get back to our dimension, Morty." He commented harshly, checking around a corner to see if they were safe to walk. As soon as it was, he kept going, looking to a watch he had on his wrist. The map of the ship was downloaded onto it, "were not to far from a pod, if we take this way weEEEURP'll-"

The scientist was cut off by a large alien that had stepped directly in front of him, pointing a giant cannon to his forehead. You jumped and clung onto morty's arm, which without you knowing, made his cheeks tint pink. Rick bent his wrist so that when he pulled the trigger to his plasma gun it sent the creatures brains all over the ceiling. A loud thud was made as it hit the floor. "DuUUUmb-ass."

You let go of Morty, but your hand still lingered around his.. the teenager prayed you would have grabbed it to lead him forward as his grandpa walked but you didn't, and his shoulders sloped in disappointment. Rick watched the map, then looked up quickly, "The pods!" He exclaimed, running to them, you and morty followed. Rick typed quickly on the control panel and the doors rotated open. "Get in, kids." He commanded, you both got it. Rick followed and pressed a botton from the inside, "C-135... C-136.. a-ah yeah baby! C-137!!" He put a finger in in the air, "and awaaay we go!!" He pressed the panel and ran to set across from you, buckling. You and morty buckled up, setting next to each other. Morty placed his hand on the seat between him and you, hoping that you would rest yours on top of his. But again, you didn't. Morty kept it there anyways.

The pod took off and soon enough the three of you were gliding back home.

"So.. uh... yoOOU forgot your name, huh?" Rick asked, breaking the awkward silence. You shrugged, not really knowing what to say.
"Do you at least know who me and morty are?" He asked, crossing his legs, then his arms, slouching back into the seat. "No.. sorry..."

"We'll  fix you up when we get home." Rick replied. "And by we, I mean me, since Morty here is a complete dipshit."

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