Chapter 9: Good Morning

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You woke up to a dark room, a few lights were visible from some of the inventions Rick had setting around the room. You made a small noise before stretching slightly in the bed, which woke rick up. He gave a deep yawn. You realized you hadn't had any pants on.. 'I don't think I was under the influence last night?' You thought and sat up on the mattress, letting your bare feet shuffle against the soft carpet. Rick sat up as well, stretching and scratching his side before standing and walking to flip the light on. You covered your eyes before they turned on, unintentionally sneezing softly with a small squeak into the elbow of the light blue long sleeve shirt you slept in.

Rick widened his eyes and turned his head back to look at you, blushing almost. 'That was so fucking cute' he shook his head and went to find a shirt in his closet.  "Gesundheit~" he said gruffly, a smile shot onto his face. You rubbed an eye and smiled tiredly. He looked back to what he was doing and yanked a shirt from a hanger. You looked up at him and furrowed your brows as you read the red lettering on the black fabric. "...The Flesh Curtains?" You asked, "Used to be my band. Squanchy and bird person ripped with me in the early years-"
"Squanchy and bird... person?" You asked curiously.

"Oh yeah, I think at least bird person shouldn't be busy." He mentioned while walking to one of his drawers and pulled out a spray deodorant, you swore up and down that it was axe. "He doesn't have a whole lot of people around because of Tammy" he gagged a little and threw the can back into his dresser drawer and closed it with his knee. You nodded, not really knowing who Tammy was.. but it was safe to assume he didn't like her.

Rick tucked his shirt in and turned to the mirror on the back of his door, grimacing at himself. He looked to you, his star pupils scanning you up and down. "Trade 'ya?" He shrugged. You looked down at the shirt and shrugged as well, standing. Rick took his shirt off and glanced at you, who had taken the bottom of the shirt to lift over your head, showing your entire body- your underwear and bra matched, complimenting your skin tone perfectly. The shirt was in front of your face as you tried to get it over your head, luckily so, you would have caught rick staring... or noticed the blood running slowly from Rick's nose.

Rick snapped out of it and covered his face with his free hand and tossed the shirt on the bed, yanking the door open "be right back-" he sailed to the bathroom in only his pants which luckily he hadn't gotten any blood on. You took his shirt and shrugged, putting the black one on and folding the blue one right-side-out for him when he got back. Rick cleaned the blood from his face, bending over the sink, glancing at himself in the mirror. His skin was whiteish- grey and riddled with blue body hair. He sighed almost angrily and looked away from himself wiping the excess water off his face.

"You're a fucking mess." He spat at himself.

You found your pants on one of the dressers and put them back on, waiting for rick to return. When he did he apologized and found his shirt, put it on and took his labcoat from a hook on the wall and headed out into the hallway, you followed. Beth had put on breakfast, bacon, eggs, pancakes and orange juice (or milk) as usual. "Good morning, sweetie." Rick said with a smile, hugging his daughter from behind, which in a way made you jealous- but it shouldn't have it's okay.. she's his daughter... who was older than you.. which was kinda fucked. You brushed it off and smiled.

"I hope you're hungry, (y/n) go ahead and make a plate!" Beth smiled and looked over her shoulder at you, she chuckled at the shirt. "You mean I can eat?" You asked, confused. "Well, yeah... (y/n) you're family!"

You felt the heat in your eyes draw some tears. You refused to cry, however. You nodded and thanked her graciously before standing next to rick, fixing a plate and setting at the table with him. "You feel like space today?" Rick asked, cutting into his eggs, biting from his bacon at the same time. You nodded, beginning to eat. "Sure..." you mumbled, drifting off in thought. "Yeah that'd be fun.."

"Cool." Rick said with a full mouth. " I got some friends I think you'll want to meet."

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