Chapter Five

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Apparently the owl, Grimble, had taken them away from the Pelletorium, so Nyra lead us to his hallow where we were all surprised by what we were witnessing.
"I can't curl my feathers enough, Grimble. My wings are too short." I heard Gylfie complain while me, Kludd, Nyra, and two guards watched silently.
"Well, they said Lyze of Kiel's wings were short. And that didn't stop him. And you're gonna need to fly a long way to get to the Guardians." Grimble announced. "The Guardians of Ga'Hoole?" Soren asked and Grimble nodded.
"But how will we know where to go?" Gylfie asked and I could have sworn I saw Grimble smile. "Well, you have to get to the Sea of Hoolemere..." Grimble trailed off and down picked up where he left off. "...yeah, where the Tree is shrouded in ancient mists... 'Which keep it hidden from all but the strong of purpose and the true of heart'."
Grimble chuckled. "Yeah, exactly. I'd come with you... but I still hold out the hope of freeing my family." Grimble explained.
Nyra came out of our hiding spot and I followed her. "Really?" She asked with a smirk on her beak. "Go!" Grimble shouted at the two.
"Kludd, Ash, come with us!" Soren shouted as Grimble motioned for then to leave.
"Get them!" Nyra shouted at her soldiers. "Your little owlets won't get away." she snapped at Grimble. I watched as Soren and Gylfie got on the balcony. "Wait. Kludd, Ash! Come on!" Soren pleaded as Grimble pinned down Nyra.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Grimble asked me and Kludd. "This is your chance to go home!" He continued. I share a glance with Kludd before I nodded at him. He turned back to Grimble.
"We are. We are at home." He said while making a barn owl screech. I shoved Grimble off of Nyra and she took the chance to jump up, I heard a snap as she broke Grimble's wing.
"Would you wound your queen, Grimble?" She asked Grimble and I saw him start to shake in rage. "You're not my queen!" He yelled while they both tackled each other. They started to roll towards Soren and Gylfie as the two jumped off the platform.
I heard a lot of yelling as I stayed with Kludd. "You could have left." Kludd whispered. I looked at him. "Nah, I'd rather be here then with the guardians." I said while turning away from the other barn owl.
Nyra soon returned with rage in her eyes, making me know that she never caught the two.
"Grimble's death was unfortunate. But you two... You had a chance to follow your friend, yet you didn't." She came over to us. "I'm starting to think that you might actually deserve to stay. To be one of us." Kludd nodded. "Oh, we want that." He said, speaking for the both of us as I also nodded.
"We offer power and purpose. What can you two offer us? What can you offer me?" She asked as the fire returned to her eyes. "I have a sister." Kludd said suddenly. Nyra nodded for him to continue. "She's young, but she's got spirit... and will grow into a strong Tyto." he explained. "Perhaps you could bring her to me. Here the young ones are our future." she said with a bit of praise in her voice, she then turned to me.
"I don't have any family members, but I have a neighbor that is young. He may not be a Tyto, but he's strong." I explained. Nyra nodded with as a smirk starting to come to her beak.

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